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The Daily Donnybrook, and other fine things

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Mike @Substack

New Eyrie posts go up every Monday and Friday, although the time of day may (and most likely will) vary. Mike’s latest Eyrie offering is available for perusal here: Screamin’ meemie Monday!

Please do consider subscribing to The Eyrie, gang; subscribers receive email notification whenever each new post goes live. All Eyrie articles are getatable (yes, that’s really a word—trust me!) for one and all to read and enjoy totally free of charge, regardless of subscription status. However, a paid sub is required to unlock commenting privileges—an almighty incentive to kick loose and chip in if ever there was one. Thanks!

Recent Comments:

  • Barry on Dog bites man: “It’s a service, putting the deranged out of their misery.Oct 17, 19:49
  • Mike on Dog bites man: “Indeed so, H. As I’ve long maintained, those things make excellent target markers.Oct 17, 19:07
  • Himself on Dog bites man: “Easy to bag them – they’ll be the ones in the coof masks.Oct 17, 18:52
  • kennycan on TRIGGERED!: “They can’t understand why it’s not an FD. Fenomally Dum.Oct 17, 09:27
  • Tommyboy on TRIGGERED!: “And people think im nuts to want everything to go dark and come unglued, how the hell else do you…Oct 16, 12:21
  • Barry on TRIGGERED!: “One of the best things about Musk is his willingness to shut down the commie’s. My guess is he will…Oct 16, 01:10
  • Barry on PREACH it, Guv!: ““I’m still a little perplexed…” One thing I’m absolutely certain about, DeSantis was the anti-Trump great hope. When Rupert Murdoch…Oct 15, 18:24
  • Aesop on Rock on, Party Cat!: “Homeless cats can spot a sucker a mile away. Ask me how I know.Oct 15, 18:18

Opposite Rule, exemplified

This. This. Right. HERE.

Your “See more…” workaround.

They put Bannon in prison. 

They put Navarro in prison. 

They are trying to bankrupt Gateway Pundit. 

They indicted the CFO of Epoch Times.

They are investigating Elon Musk. 

They are trying to put Donald Trump in prison. 

They are trying to disbar Jeff Clark.

They disbarred John Eastman and debanked him. 

They arrested the doctor who blew the whistle that a Texas hospital was illegally performing gender reassignment surgeries on minors. 

They indicted and disbarred Rudy Giuliani. 

They spied on Catholic Churches. 

They put concerned parents who went to school board meetings on the FBI watchlists. 

They imprisoned 1500 protestors, most first time nonviolent offenders. 

But Donald Trump is going to weaponize the government to go after his enemies?

Kinda says it all, don’t it? As codified in Mike’s Iron Law #462, actually.

Goose, please allow me to introduce Gander

Hey, anybody remember when foreign interference in Amerikan “elections” was a BAD thing? Nah, me neither.

British Labour Party sending staff to campaign for Harris in US swing states
WASHINGTON (TNND) — The left-leaning British Labour Party is sending nearly 100 members to U.S. battleground states to campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris ahead of the presidential election.

Sofia Patel, head of operations for the Labour Party, shared the plans via LinkedIn Wednesday. She claimed current and former party staff will target key swing states like North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

“I have 10 spots available for anyone available to head to the battleground state of North Carolina – we will sort your housing,” Patel offered in the post.

Patel also noted she plans to arrive in the U.S. two weeks prior to the election and stay in Washington, D.C., for a few days afterward.

Patel’s profile shows she previously spent time in the Hillary Clinton campaign from October to November of 2016. She included the description “travelled to the US to campaign for Clinton in the presidential election.”

Leave it to MTG to make with the stinging, snappy riposte, in her accustomed gadfly role.

Reacting to Patel’s post was Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., who suggested via X it was “yet another reason to vote for President Trump.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., also weighed in, telling the Labour Party it is breaking Federal Election Commission law.

“Foreign nationals are not allowed to be involved in anyway in U.S. elections,” Rep. Greene wrote via X. “Please go back to the UK and fix your own mass immigration problems that are ruining your country.”

And of course, the rock star I know affectionately as the God-Emperor of Earth put his own oar in as well.

X owner Elon Musk wrote simply “this is illegal” in his own post on the matter.

Well said: pithy, straight to the fucking point, no BS, no mincing of words or surplus verbiage—only this and nothing more, as Poe once said in a slightly different context. You tell ‘em, Elon ol’ boy. Back to Limey-land witcha, MSXZZ Patel, and most ricky-tick; do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.


DeSantis delivers

Ron the Great slaps ‘em down again, and it’s a joy and a wonder to behold.

PREACH it, Guv. “Show more” transcript:

“The chance of me virtue signaling for people in the media is zero. So, do not count on that. I do not subscribe to your religion.”

“I get you have an agenda, I understand that. I think you should be more honest about what that would mean for people: taxing them to smithereens, stopping oil and gas, making people pay dramatically more…we would collapse as a country.”

And that’s the whole story. Hit ‘em again, Gov, harder and in the head this time—I think I see one of the shitlib pieces o’ shite still crawling around under that pile of stinking corpses.


Dog bites man

Liberalism delenda est.

Halperin: Trump Win Will Trigger ‘Unprecedented and Hideous’ Mental Health Crisis
Many have been wondering how the left will take it if Donald Trump wins the 2024 election. According to veteran political analyst Mark Halperin, a Trump-Vance victory will trigger “the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country.”

Halperin sat in on Tucker Carlson’s show this week for a wide-ranging discussion. When Carlson asked him what he thought would happen if Trump wins, Halperin predicted a psychological holocaust on the left that would fall somewhere between “The Purge” and the zombie apocalypse.

“I say this not flippantly,” began Halperin. “I think it will be the cause of the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country. I think tens of millions of people will question their connection to the nation, their connection to other human beings, their connection to their vision of what their future — for them and their children — could be like. And I think that it will require an enormous amount of access to mental health professionals. I think it’ll lead to trauma in the workplace. I think there’ll be some degree of —“

At this point, an incredulous Carlson asked Halperin if he was being serious.

“A hundred percent serious. A hundred percent serious,” the political prognosticator assured him. Then he returned to his litany. “I think there’ll be alcoholism, there’ll be broken marriage—“

“What?” interjected the host. 

“Yeah. They think he’s the worst person possible to be president,” Halperin explained. “And, having won by the hand of Jim Comey and fluke in 2016, and then [Trump] performed in office for four years, and denied who won the election last time, and January 6 — the fact that, under a fair election, America chose, by the rules pre-agreed to, Donald Trump again, I think it will cause the biggest mental health crisis in the history of America.”

From there, the light-hearted banter delved into speculation about the potential for violence. “Yeah, I think there’ll be some violence,” Halperin confirmed. “I think there’ll be workplace fights. There’ll be fights at kids’ birthday parties. I think there’ll be protests that will turn violent. I hope they’re not, but I think there will be some.’

The seasoned analyst went on to plumb the nature of the imminent despair of the American left. “I think it will be less anger and more a failure to understand how it could happen. You know, like the death of a child, or your spouse announcing that she’s a lesbian and she’s leaving you for your best friend — like something that’s so traumatic that it is impossible for even the most mentally healthy person to truly process and incorporate into their daily life.” 

The most mentally healthy Democrat, he should have specified. Republicans and patriots face political defeat and alienation from their own country on a regular basis without going bonkers.

SO—shitlib D卐M☭CRATs will flip out, go insane, and generally run amok if Trump “wins” the “election,” eh? And we’re supposed to distinguish this unusual, once in a lifetime event from any other day of the week ending in “Y”…HOW, exactly? Thorne concludes:

Should a Trump-Vance victory come to pass, remember to bring in the pets and children and lock the doors before you start popping champagne corks.

Fuck that noise—load extra mags, zero rifle sights, establish good fields of fire, make sure your perimeter is well-lighted instead, among other things.



Welcome to this week’s installment of our Wednesday meme feature, folks. Links to the “found via” sources will be attached to the specific MiQ’s (Memes in Question) whenever I can remember them, which likely won’t be very often. Only the first two memes will appear above the fold to save on bandwidth usage, since I assume not everybody who shows up at this here websty will want to see all of them. This intro will appear at the top of each week’s Memezapoppin’! post. Enjoy, funny-pitcher lovers.

Continue reading Memezapoppin’!


To hell with Presidents, of any and every partisan stripe: Elon Musk for God-Emperor of Earth, I say.

Elon Musk works another miracle as Lilliputian progs snipe
Elon Musk is working miracles with rockets, but a bunch of California apparatchiks want to stop his launches because of…his tweets.

The immigrant genius stunned the world Sunday as his SpaceX landed a reusable Starship booster back on the launchpad.

This is a huge tech advance, bringing launch costs down by a factor of ten and advancing space exploration and exploitation by decades.

Meanwhile, the California Coastal Commission just rejected the Space Force’s request for more frequent SpaceX launches on the Golden State’s Central Coast by a vote of six to four, with some of the “nays” specifically citing Musk’s political speech.

Ayn Rand must be spinning in her grave…or laughing at how so-called “progressives” spurn actual progress when driven by a truly independent mind.

Meanwhile, bet on Musk to beat the Lilliputians: Expect him to launch the first manned mission to Mars from Texas, which has the good sense to welcome him and all his businesses.

“Lilliputian” would definitely be the mot juste here.

Virginia Tech academic: Stop sending humans into space — it’s ‘imperialist’
The ‘inclusion of more social scientists’ needed at NASA, etc.

Yet another university academic is warning about continued human space exploration due to its “imperialist mindset.”

Savannah Mandel, a PhD candidate at Virginia Tech and an “outer space anthropologist,” adds to what seems to be a trendy argument about investigations into outer space.

According to Virginia Tech News, Mandel’s book “Ground Control: An Argument for the End of Human Space Exploration” argues that “rushing to send more humans to space […] mirrors an imperialist mindset that harms Earth’s humanity and environment.”

Maybe if you threatened to hold your breath until you turn blue, sweet-cheeks. That usually works for ya, right?


Rock on, Party Cat!

I loved the Pat and Party Cat saga so much I simply HAD to do a follow-up post, after digging a little further into the story.

Rescue Cat Sees the Country From the Back of a Bike
Just because you ride a bike and you look like a tough guy, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a soft side too. Just look at New Jersey biker, Pat Doody, and his rescue kitty, Party Cat.

Doody was on his way back to New Jersey, after a cross-country trek to Born Free in California. At a truck stop in Nevada, Doody found this poor little guy abandoned, with burns all over his fuzzy little body. But instead of saying, “oh, that’s so sad,” and moving on, Doody picked up the cat, put him in his vest, and brought Party Cat along for the ride.

Apparently, Party Cat took to the road instantly.

Doody did a pretty excellent job of documenting the duo’s adventure back home, too.

“Found this little orange nugget in wells nv. He’s done a few hundred miles in vest so far. Looks like he burnt his lip some how. But he’s a cool dude,” Doody posted on his Tumblr, along with the picture above from Pinebrook Trails.

Apparently the road was good to Party Cat, as Doody says the cat is doing much better, and that his burns have almost healed entirely. So not only has the cat found himself a home, he’s also found himself a hobby. Ride on, Party Cat, ride on.

Yes indeed, little guy. Another:

Biker Rescues Tiny Injured Kitten and Goes on Cross-Country Road Trip Together
It’s certainly an unusual sight to see a heavily-bearded biker carrying around a tiny kitten, but Pat Doody and his furry friend Party Cat are a match made in heaven. They came together serendipitously, as Doody was headed towards his home in New Jersey all the way from California. He was at a truck stop in Nevada filling his tank with gas and noticed that the little guy needed help–he was badly burned. Doody rescued Party Cat by tucking him into his vest and taking him on the road.

The rest of their relationship is history. Although Doody was still thousands of miles away from his destination, the calm, well-mannered Party Cat was okay with the trek. He nibbled on dry tuna during the ride, and his new-found human applied ointment to his injuries along the way. “His burns are pretty much all healed up except for the little spot on his lip…It looks a lot better and doesn’t seem to be bothering him,” Doody explained to Revzilla.

Now that they’re home, Party Cat is eating proper cat food and has seen a veterinarian, and Doody has gained an adorable, permanently-loyal pal.

More great photos of the dynamic duo appended to the above short article, including this one:

A damned good-looking pair, wouldn’t you say? I sure would.

This Biker Does Not Look Like A Cat Lover, But After A Motorcycle Show He Had No Choice
When biker and sheetmetal worker Pat Doody left the Born-Free motorcycle show in Silverado, California, he expected to make the trek back home with friends, but he didn’t think he’d be sharing his bike with a new one.

He was noticeably injured and obviously a stray, so naturally the biker felt like he needed to take him in.

After getting some consistent food and rest, the little cat quickly began to regain his health.

Eventually, he was healthy enough to join Doody on his day-to-day adventures…

Wherever they are, whatever they’re doing, Party Cat just goes with the flow.

But finally, after a long and eventful journey, the pair arrived safely at home, where they both continue to enjoy their new friendship.

Lots, lots more heartwarming photos at that one, including a candid photo of PC enjoying his new Jersey digs:

Heh. Looks like Party Cat fell into a pretty schweet set-up all around, I am happy to report. One more:

Biker saves badly burned kitten and takes him on a cross-country adventure
Party Cat is living a great life on the open road.

He’s known as Party Cat.

Rescued by New Jersey biker Pat Doody at truck stop, Party Cat was found with burns all over his body. Instead of leaving him behind, Doody tucked him in his vest and continued on a cross-country adventure.

Despite his name, Doody describes Party Cat as “so chill.” Doody has a YouTube channel, but he has yet to make a video featuring Party Cat, and his Instagram is currently locked. Thankfully, Doody’s Tumblr is full of adorable cat pics, and we’re waiting patiently for Party Cat’s eventual social media stardom.

There’s another brief article w/pics here, among plenty of others. I say again: Good on ya, Pat Doody, and God bless you and Party Cat both. Best wishes for many more happy two-wheelin’ years together.


JD hits ’em AGAIN

Good and hard, too.

J.D. Vance Destroys ABC News Anchor for Downplaying Immigrant Gang Violence
Sen. JD Vance appeared on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday morning, during which Martha Raddatz attempted to downplay concerns about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colo.

It did not go well for Raddatz.

The conversation took a turn when Raddatz tried to brush off the issue by labeling it as “a handful of apartment complexes,” but Vance wasn’t having any of it.

At the heart of the exchange was Raddatz’s pushback on Donald Trump’s remarks about violent gangs in American communities, which the mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has downplayed. Raddatz couldn’t quite get her narrative straight, however.

“He’s making these statements that the mayor is flat out disputing,” Raddatz said of Trump.

But Vance, quick to catch the spin, responded: “Well, Martha, you just said the mayor said they were exaggerated,” to which Raddatz attempted to cover herself, by saying they were “roughly exaggerated.”

And that’s when Raddatz really stepped in it.

“Senator Vance, I’m gonna stop you because I know exactly what happened,” she claimed. “I’m gonna stop you. The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment conflicts apartment complexes, and the mayor said our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns. A handful of problems.”

And that’s when Vance pounced.

“Only, Martha, do you hear yourself?” he said. “Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs, and Donald Trump is the problem and not Kamala Harris’s open border.” Vance’s frustration was palpable as he pointed to the broader issue of America’s border crisis and the consequences of millions of unvetted migrants entering the country. “Americans are so fed up with what’s going on, and they have every right to be. And I really find this exchange, Martha, sort of interesting because you seem to be more focused with nitpicking everything that Donald Trump has said rather than acknowledging that apartment complexes in the United States of America are being taken over by violent gangs.”

“Only a handful”—which, naturally, is perfectly fine with shitlib scum like Raddatz and her loathsome ilk, for whom the only real problem is not that this is happening at all but that it isn’t more widespread than it already is. Here’s the vid:

We could do a whole lot worse than JD Vance as Veep, or even President. And almost certainly will.

Update! Slammin’ Schlichter nails ‘em to a cross.

So damnably predictable, this Progressivist progression.

Updated update! Upon further reflection, this story underscores the divide, providing proof positive of the insuperable nature of the fundamental conflict in Amerika v2.0: “people” like Martha Raddatz will never, ever understand why Real Americans like Vance find even ONE apartment complex being taken over by violent, criminal foreign gangs unacceptable.

Yet somehow, we’re expected to find some way, ANY way, to live cheek by jowl with “liberal” shitweasels, as opposed to just exterminating them like the plague-rats they are? And any failure to do so is nonetheless OUR fault and not theirs, because “racist bigots,” or “Trump is Literally Hitler,” or some other such folderol? Sorry, NO.

In JK Rowling’s fantastic Harry Potter series, Professor Trelawney’s cryptic prophecy regarding Harry and Lord Voldemort includes a line that really says it all: Neither can live while the other survives. That’s as good a summary of the current contretemps as I can think of right offhand.

They’d probably object to me saying so in this context, but the lyrics of this thoroughly awesome Disturbed song fit the bill pretty neatly.

“Turned into someone who cannot be preyed upon…” If they fear anything at all, that would have to be it, in my estimation.


Whither the Renaissance Man?

CF friend KT—she of Saturday Pet Thread renown, among other notable things—hips us to an intriguing VDH column. Sefton linked it earlier this week, but I let it get by me somehow.

We Are in Need of Renaissance People
The songwriter, actor, country/western singer, musician, U.S. Army veteran, helicopter pilot, accomplished rugby player and boxer, Rhodes scholar, Pomona College and University of Oxford degreed, and summa cum laude literature graduate, Kris Kristofferson, recently died at 88.

Americans may have known him best for writing smash hits like “Me and Bobby McGee” and “For the Good Times,” his wide-ranging, star-acting roles in A Star is Born and Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, his numerous solo albums, especially with then-spouse and singer Rita Coolidge, and the country group super-quartet he formed with Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, and Willie Nelson.

In other words, Kristofferson was a rare Renaissance man who could do it all in an age of increasingly narrow specialization and expertise.

At certain times throughout history at particular locales, we have seen such singular people from all walks of life.

Classical Athens produced polymaths like Aristotle—tutor to Alexander the Great, logician, student of music, art, and literature, educator, think-tank founder, biologist, philosopher, and scientist. Later Greeks like Archimedes and Ptolemy, as men of action, mastered six or seven disciplines and applied their abstract knowledge in ways that made life easier for those around them.

But we associate the idea of a “Renaissance man” mostly with Florence, Italy, between the 15th and 16th centuries. In that brief 100 years, the Florentine Republic hosted multi-talented geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci—master painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, engineer, and inventor—best known for the Mona Lisa and Last Supper.

The American Revolution was a similar embryo of Renaissance men. Thomas Jefferson was perhaps the most famous example of unchecked abstract and pragmatic genius displayed in almost every facet of late 18th– and early 19th-century life—main author of the Declaration of Independence, third U.S. President, founder of the University of Virginia, inventor, agronomist, architect, and diplomat.

But Benjamin Franklin may best approximate the model of the Florentine Renaissance holistic brilliance—journalist, publisher, printer, author, politician, diplomat, inventor, scientist, and philosopher.

And here’s where it gets really interesting.

The best American example of the current age is the controversial Elon Musk, a truly Renaissance figure who has revolutionized at least half a dozen entire fields.

Huh. Much as I’ve come to like and admire him, I hadn’t thought about Elon as a modern-day Renaissance Man before, but now that VDH brought it up it seems obvious. Onwards.

No one prior had broken the Big Three auto monopoly of GM, Ford, and Chrysler.

Musk did just that. He exploded all three companies’ dominance with his successful creation of the first viable electric vehicle, Tesla, whose comfort, drivability, reliability, safety, and power rivaled or exceeded the models of all his competitors.

His spin-off battery storage and solar panel companies allowed thousands of families to go off the grid and stay self-sufficient in power usage.

Musk’s revolutionary Starlink internet system—a mere five years old—provides global online service to over 100 countries. Through its some 7,000 satellites, Starlink brings internet service to remote residents far more effectively and cheaply than do their own governments. When natural disasters overwhelm utilities or war disrupts the normality of peace, all look to Musk to restore online reconnections to the outside world.

Musk, almost singlehandedly, transformed the U.S. space program from a NASA 60-year-old government monopoly to an arena of fervent private-public competition. His Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) created a rocket and spacecraft program that has kept the U.S. preeminent in space exploration and reliable satellite launches. When NASA and old aerospace companies falter, the government looks to Musk to bail them out.

Musk, at great personal cost, radically transformed the old Twitter—poorly managed, censorious of ideas and expressions not deemed progressive, and mired in scandal for partnering with the FBI to silence news deemed possibly injurious to Democratic candidates and left-wing campaigns.

His new X replacement is an unfettered platform for free expression. And the more the left abhors their loss of the monopolistic old Twitter’s ideological clearing house, and vows to flee X and start their own new left-wing, censorious Twitters, the more they stay on X.

There’s more yet, and it’s…well, like I said, it’s intriguing.

SIDE NOTE: I haven’t looked in on Hanson for a goodish while—nor American Greatness itself, for whom he used to write a regular column, and perhaps still does—but for many years practically every piece he published was linked and excerpted approvingly here at CF; in particular, his post-9/11 output looking into the Moslem supremacist threat and how the West might most successfully deal with it was reliably excellent—very insightful, well-written, and steeped in the historical perspective. I see now he has his own website, The Blade Of Perseus, which I didn’t know about before. Duly bookmarked and blogrolled.

Update! Just checked and yep, looks like Hanson is still posting over at AmGreat. A little taste of another good piece, this one with an overly optimistic title.

Try a Little Honesty About Israel
Rather than admitting their own role in igniting the Middle East, Biden and Harris now blame the victims of their own incendiary foreign policy.

Honesty? From these congenital liars?!? *snort* Yeah, as if. That’ll be the day.

It was the terrorists of Hamas who surprise attacked and murdered 1,200 Israeli civilians during peace and a Jewish holiday.

Their slaughtering torturing, raping, and hostage-taking revealed a level of precivilization barbarism rarely seen in the modern era.

Israel was simultaneously targeted by rockets from Hamas and Hezbollah that would eventually number over 20,000.

It did not respond to the bloodbath with a full-scale invasion of Gaza until October 27, some three weeks after the slaughtering.

During that interim, for most of the Muslim world and both U.S. Muslim communities and on American campuses, there was rejoicing at the news of slaughtered Jews.

After it all, Biden-Harris lifted sanctions on a hostile Iran, giving it $100 billion in oil windfalls. It begged Iran to reenter the disastrous Iran deal. It abandoned the Abraham Accords. It lifted the terrorist designation from the terrorist Houthis. It restored fungible aid to the Hamas tunnel builders. It gave new aid to Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon.

Israel’s enemies got the Biden message: attack the Jewish state and perhaps Americans for the first time in a half-century may not really mind that much.

And so they did in unison.

 And will go right on doing so, unless and until we finally pay heed to LeMay’s sagacious advice.

Curtislemay1 2x.

Read all of that Hanson piece at AG, folks, and expect to see more of the man ‘round these h’yar parts henceforth. I have been remiss, now I intend to make it up to y’all. What the hey, it’s the least I can do.



Doesn’t suck? Dude, it ROCKS!

Stuff that doesn’t suck: Pat and Party Cat
The fellow flanking us was filthy, and upon his shoulder sat a small orange kitten, making the chopper pilot look like (the) world’s friendliest pirate.

Spurgeon and I were walking down a dirt path inside Nelson Ledges Quarry Park at the Lowbrow Getdown. We may have been inebriated. We were walking to see Blue Oyster Cult play a little rock ‘n’ roll. We commented to the cat-bearing fellow about how odd it was to see a kitten at a motorcycle event, and then we got the story of a lifetime.

Pat hails from New Jersey, not too far from RevZilla, but we met him in Ohio, hundreds of miles from home. Pat told us a story that would have been unbelievable if he didn’t have the furry proof standing on his shoulder. That adorable bucket of fuzz, by the way, now is known as Party Cat.

“I was coming back from Born Free in California, and we had made it to Nevada,” Pat told us. “I was at this truck stop getting gas, and this little guy just needed help. He was pretty badly burned, so I picked him up and tucked him inside my vest. We’re feeding him regularly now, so he’s doing better, even though he’s sort of living on the road until we get home.

“He’s been eating tuna fish out of those dry-foil packs you can buy, and his burns are pretty much all healed up except for the little spot on his lip. He’s so chill. He just hangs out in my vest when we get on the road. I’ve never met a cat so calm.”

Yes, there’s a pic, yes, it’s great, and no, I wouldn’t dream of not running it.

A real one-percenter

I repeat: AWWW! A cross-country Ironbutt trek all the way from Nevada to Jersey tucked inside a biker’s cutoff, with nary a complaint? That cute li’l booger is a natural-born scooter tramp for sure and certain. Good on ya, Pat, and God bless you and your feline passenger. Another rough, tough biker with a heart of gold, with a lot of gentle, loving kindness at its core. That may come as something of a surprise to people who don’t really know bikers, but not to me—almost all the many I’ve known have been like that.


Can you say “War on Men,” boys and girls?

I knew you could.

Perhaps it’s a predictable irony that in an election cycle that could realistically deliver the first female president, so much of the commentary has been about men. Or rather, not about men exactly, but about “masculinity.” Because somehow, in 2024, we still find ourselves unable to talk about men and boys without using masculinity as the basic frame of reference.

The electorate is faced with a choice, the story goes, between two models for masculinity. Toxic versus positive. In response to the vein-popping, furious, felon model of the right, the left is offering us a more morally upstanding and expansive “positive masculinity.”

“Positive masculinity” has been around for a while. Most likely coined in early 2000s by psychologists as a way of working with male patients in therapy… Masculinity has had an unfairly bad rap, its proponents argue, becoming permanently shackled to the word “toxic.” Positive masculinity is an attempt to rebrand and reinstate it for the next generation, often with the claim that unlike the insecure posturing of the shirt-ripping strongmen, this is in fact “real” manhood.

The model is not a radical departure. Positive masculinity still draws on all the old trappings and anxieties of traditional manliness, the same belief that there is such a thing as a “real man” and the same fears of falling short. As its political standard-bearer, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, Tim Walz, is still required to constantly prove his masculine credentials.

Sorry and all, but that’s ‘cause Tampon Timmeh the Pillsbury Doughpyrsynz’s© “masculine credentials” straddle the line, reverse-cowgirl style, betwixt “laughable” and “nonexistent.” Whatever no-ball, cringing caricature of American manhood the preposterous Harris/Doughboy campaign plans to portray as “masculinity,” their dumpy, thoroughly emasculated Veep candidate is sadly lacking in anything resembling it. Case in point:

Jeezum M Crow. It’s a dead cert that not one of these phony-ass punks has ever hunted pheasant—or owned a shotgun, for the matter of it—in his/her/its entire life. The paid actors/stunt hunter stand-ins all look like they just dragged a credit card through the Mordor On The Potomac (or possibly Minneapolistan) Cabela’s or Bass Pro Shop to gear themselves up with a brand new Serious Outdoorspyrsynz!™ costume for the filming of this pathetic, wholly-fraudulent joke of a campaign ad. I love what one X wag had to say in response to the question implied above: What’s missing in this video? A: Testosterone. Good one, pal.

NOTE: Link is to the Ace place, not to the original NYT article. I would never subject you good people to the horror of an NYT link, no way.

Update! Ed Driscoll reels off another knee-slapper.

OLD AND BUSTED: “Can I get me a hunting license here?”

—John Kerry, October 2004.

Heh. Indeed, Ed.


PREACH it, Guv!

As I have always maintained: as far as Presidents of the US go, Ron DeSantis sure makes one hellaciously good Governor of Florida, don’t he? Yes, I get that he has ambitions to higher office, is a career politician deep down, is cordially loathed by some Florida residents who know him better than I do, all that jazz. But still.

While I certainly wish the man no ill in any way, shape, or form, I nevertheless hope he’ll eventually find it in himself to foreswear his yearning for career advancement and just stay put where he can and actually IS making a genuine, meaningful difference—right now, not later on, not someday if/when/perhaps-possibly. In my estimation, not just FLA but the rest of us really can’t afford to lose him as Governor, nor do we wish to have to sit back and watch him become just another blunted needle in the Mordor On The Potomac haystack, so to speak. We already have plenty and to spare of those as it is.

A taste of what I’m talking about:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said people should put Hurricane Milton “in perspective” in response to a reporter’s question about climate change.

At a press conference on Thursday, DeSantis was asked whether “global warming” impacted the hurricane’s intensity after Milton spawned several tornadoes that wreaked havoc in the Sunshine State.

DeSantis rejected the premise that Milton was worse than previous hurricanes, stating, “I think you can go back and find tornadoes for all of human history.” 

Compared to previous storms, Milton had a barometric pressure of about 950 millibars when it made landfall, the governor said. “I think if you go back to 1851, there’s probably been about 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric pressure – so the lower the barometric pressure, the stronger it is.” 

The governor noted that 17 hurricanes stronger than Milton made landfall in Florida prior to 1960 and that the strongest hurricane on record since the 1850s was the Labor Day hurricane, which occurred in 1935 and had a barometric pressure of 892 millibars. The most deadly hurricane in Florida history happened in 1928, he added.

“I just think people should put this in perspective there. They tried to take different things that happened with tropical weather and act like it’s something – there’s nothing new under the sun,” DeSantis said. 

“I think what’s changed is we’ve got 23 million people. A storm is likely to hit more people and property than it would have 100 years ago. And so the potential for that damage has grown, but what’s also changed is our ability to do the prevention, to pre-stage the assets.”

Dayummm, whodathunk we’d ever hear such plainspoken, unflinching common sense from an American politician in this day and age? No dissembling, no evasion, no throat-clearing, no foot-shuffling; zero tolerance for shitlib dishonesty; just the straight dope backed up by facts, figures, and actual history, all hurled into their very teeth with neither fear nor apology. It’s refreshing, that’s what.

I mean no slight or insult whatsoever when I say that—although far be it from me to call into question Da Guv’s ability to rise to the challenge of the national stage and be outstanding there—his gifts, skills, and experience make DeSantis such a naturally perfect fit for the great state of Florida that there can be no disgrace in contenting himself to continue serving in that (supposedly) lesser role.

Having been a full-throttle embracer of risk-taking my entire life, I well understand the appeal to a man such as DeSantis of rolling the dice on a run at the Presidency, to win or lose it all. If he wasn’t a risk-taker his own self, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion in the first place. In the end, though, is the prize really worth the pursuing? Only DeSantis himself can say, which is only meet and just.

Consider: as Governor, his actions and initiatives have visible, real-world impact, generating effects and consequences that resound well beyond the state line. Conversely, Faux Jaux Bribem’s flailing, floundering, flubbing tenure as ***”pResident”*** exposed the figurehead nature of the American Presidency for all with eyes to see. If we learned anything from his tragicomic reign of error, it’s that the sock-puppet perched behind the Resolute Desk has very little, if anything, to do with how the country is actually run.

Whatever the case may once have been, referring to the President as “The Most Powerful Man On Earth” is mere habit now, nothing more—a rhetorical tic as comfy and familiar as an old pair of slippers, form without meaning. As it has metastasized, the locus of federal power has gradually shifted away from the Oval Office until today it resides elsewhere, wielded by skulking éminences grises without names, faces, or accountability.

Governor D besieged in the White House, subject to the less-than-tender mercies of such as they? Forbid it, Almighty God!

Should DeSantis choose to remain in place as Governor, Amerika v2.0’s loss will be America That Was’s gain. And there ain’t a damned thing wrong with that, either.

Hamas “protester” gets his

Your feel-good video of the day week month year century millennium geological epoch.

And PIIING! Down like the sack of shit he truly is goeth Mr Tough Guy. I’ve watched this one ten times already, and it ain’t ever gonna get old. My only regret is that X won’t let me press the “Like” button eight hundred and fifty bajillion times.

Via Ace, who quips:

Hamas made one enemy too many: This time, they pissed off an LA restaurant owner who, if I understand his words properly, is connected to the “Albanian mob.”

And he doesn’t need the mob for back-up. He’s got Mr. Left and Mr. Right with him at all times.

Heh. In-fucking-DEED. As the late great Charles Bukowski once famously said: the problem with these people is that their cities have never been bombed, their women have never been made slaves, they’ve never known hunger, and (I might add) they’ve never been punched in their silly faces or made to feel truly, deeply afraid.


Terrorists to Israel: “Let’s stop fighting, we’re losing”

Finish ‘em off, Bibi.

Hezbollah Wants a Ceasefire Now. Here’s Why Israel Shouldn’t Give Them One.
Ceasefire now? As much as Kamala Harris wants one and would capitalize upon one if it did materialize, the answer must be a firm no.

After exploding pagers and a series of carefully targeted Israeli airstrikes have completely decimated Hezbollah’s senior leadership, the jihad terror organization now wants a ceasefire with Israel. This will come as music to the ears of the Biden-Harris regime, which would like nothing better than an October peace agreement between Israel and one of the major players that are arrayed against it.

The Harris campaign could wave this agreement in the air every time someone pointed out that the world during the Trump years was a much more peaceful place than it is now, and use it going into the election as evidence of Kamala Harris’ superior negotiating skills. But for a number of important reasons, Israel should resist all pressure from Washington.

So far, the pressure for the moment is coming not from Washington, but from Hezbollah itself. CNN reported Tuesday that Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Naim Qassem, who is the highest-ranking official in the organization at the moment (after Israel took out longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and several of his designated or potential successors) said, “We support the political efforts led by (Parliament Speaker Nabih) Berri under the banner of achieving a ceasefire. Once the ceasefire is firmly established and diplomacy can reach it, all other details will be discussed and decisions will be made collaboratively.”

Ceasefire! Diplomacy! Qassem knows how to push all the right buttons to get the U.S. State Department, the European Union, and the United Nations on his side, and even to shower billions upon his straitened organization. Kamala Harris has already sent $157 million to Lebanon, which means to Hezbollah.

Nevertheless, Antony Blinken and his henchmen in Foggy Bottom are likely to take Qassem’s endorsement of Berri’s ceasefire proposal with the utmost seriousness, and start badgering the Israelis to accept it. If they prevail upon them to do so, they’ll only be enabling Hezbollah to survive and get back on its feet after the heavy losses it has recently suffered. This is certain from what Islamic law teaches about when treaties, including temporary truces, should be concluded with a non-Muslim foe.

Yep, those “temporary truces” being known by a specific name in Muzzrat circles: hudna, that would be, a strictly temporary cease-fire intended to allow an exhausted, nearly defeated Mooselimb antagonist to re-equip, refit, and reinvigorate for the next round of jihadi conquest. Thus:

The concept of hudna deserves a close look: It is not a Qur’anic term, nor is it the only Arabic word for a cease-fire or truce; others include: muhadana, muwada’a, muhla, musalaha, musalama, mutaraka, and sulh. But hudna is the most prominent. It is the first word used in Muslim history to mean cease-fire, specifically in the context of the seventh century Truce or Treaty of al-Hudaybiyya, often termed the Sulh al-Hudaybiyya (peace of al-Hudaybiyya).

Named after a village outside Mecca, the truce came six years after Muhammad and his followers abandoned Mecca for Yathrib, today’s Medina. This move, known as the hijra (emigration) is of enormous significance for the classical understanding of jihad, inasmuch as it sets a pattern of retreat followed by regrouping and rearming, which permits an attack on the territory previously left behind.

Spencer, for his part, understands what’s actually going on here perfectly well.

Blinken and his colleagues are dogmatically committed to the proposition that Islam has nothing whatsoever to do with the conflict between Israel and its jihadi enemies and can illuminate nothing about that conflict, but the facts are otherwise.

Islamic law does not envision a state of permanent peace between Muslims and non-Muslims. Instead, the Qur’an instructs Muslims to “fight them until persecution is no more and religion is all for Allah” (8:39). If Muslims must continue fighting non-Muslims until “religion is all for Allah,” that means that there is no place in Islam for the “coexistence” that the left professes to value so highly. There can be no coexistence, but only perpetual warfare, although there can be sporadic periods in which a temporary peace prevails.

Islamic law is very clear about when these pauses in the war can go into effect. It only allows for a truce if the Muslims expect their foes to convert to Islam, or if the Muslims are weak and need to gather strength to fight later more effectively: “If Muslims are weak, a truce may be made for ten years if necessary, for the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) made a truce with the Quraysh for that long, as is related by Abu Dawud… Interests that justify making a truce are such things as Muslim weakness because of lack of numbers or materiel, or the hope of an enemy becoming Muslim…” (Reliance of the Traveller, o9.16). 

This idea is founded on the Qur’an: “So do not falter and cry out for peace when you have the upper hand…” (47:35).

Hezbollah is crying out for peace because it does not have the upper hand. It is calling for a ceasefire because it is weak, and needs time to gather its strength. This would, therefore, be the worst time to conclude a ceasefire. Heedless of all this, however, and hating Israel as they do, Biden, Harris, and Blinken will keep pressuring Israel to accept a ceasefire. Netanyahu should stand strong in rejecting this pressure.

And there you have it. Once again, I must repeat: Kill. Them. ALL. Contra the constant teary squeals of “genocide” from idiotic Western shitlibs and, embarrassingly enough, Crackpot Rightists in this context (neither Hezbollah, nor Hamas, nor Paleosimian, nor even Muslim itself constitutes a race, therefore definitionally rendering the claim of “genocide” entirely null and void), there really is no other long-term solution for Western Civ than just this.

Update! Francis asks the pertinent question.

I strive to use words according to their exact meanings. The word existential has such a meaning: “of, relating to, or affirming existence.” Thus, an existential enemy is one whose aim is to end your existence. There can be no greater threat than such an enemy; he poses an existential threat.

Is there a point – a defensible rationale – to negotiating with such an enemy?

A: No. No, there most certainly is not. In such a circumstance, you have but three (3) options: Kill him, surrender, or die your own self, the last two of which amount to the same thing when all’s said and done. Period fucking dot, all there is to it, end of story.


Catastrophic near-miss

Oh frabjous day, calloo callay! Well, almost.

Anderson Cooper drilled in face by flying debris during live on-air Hurricane Milton report: ‘That wasn’t good’
Cooper, known for his on-site coverage of hurricanes, took the incident in stride and continued his report of the water from the Manatee River rising above the river bank and onto the walkway above.

Aw dammit, I was rooting for casualties when I saw the headline. According to the article the “flying debris” in question was only a small piece of styrofoam (sigh) and not a brick, iron bar, V8 engine block, live alligator, or something else a bit more, umm, lethal, shall we say. Oh well—next time, perhaps.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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