Ask a silly question Part the Eighty Bajillion And Eleventh

Man, I really gotta start properly keeping up with the numbers on these “silly question” posts of mine, instead of just making ‘em up as I go along.

Spaniards Aren’t Afraid To Protest, So Why Are American Conservatives?

Hmmm, lemmesee now: because they’re aware that they have an overly powerful enemy in Amerika v2.0’s FBI/Stasi/Waffen SS, and will surely be summarily pronounced guilty—without benefit of legal representation, formal indictment, or trial by jury—of multiple counts of the Sacred Democracy™-annihilating Secret Felony of “unarmed parading with aggravated counter-revolutionary intent” and end up Goo(g)lagged as “violent insurrectionists” if they do?

Tens of thousands of protesters have flooded city streets across Spain since October in sustained demonstrations opposing a socialist takeover of the Spanish government. Protesters are showing their opposition toward an amnesty deal between Spain’s socialist President Pedro Sánchez and treasonous Catalan separatists, who violated the Spanish constitution in 2017 by attempting to secede from Spain. By striking a deal to free incarcerated and exiled Spanish criminals, Sánchez was able to secure a third term in power.

The protests are organized by Spain’s conservative People’s Party and Vox, its further right, populist party. In an interview between Vox President Santiago Abascal and Tucker Carlson last week, Abascal explained that the amnesty deal is a crime “against the constitution” and “national unity.”

But the massive demonstrations are not just in defense of the Spanish Constitution, Abascal explained; they’re about what an illegal third Sánchez term means for Spain, namely a failing Spanish economy, two-tier justice, mass illegal immigration from Muslim countries, speech policing, globalism, the demonization of Spanish history, and loss of Spanish identity.

The problems faced by Spaniards are strikingly similar to those facing Americans. The American left hates our heritage so much they torched American cities and destroyed historical statues and monuments for an entire summer. Our corrupt president, Joe Biden, was able to take power thanks to a rigged election, and his administration has weaponized the federal government against his most prominent political adversary, former President Donald Trump, and anyone in ideological opposition to the Democrats.

Using fear and intimidation, the left is scaring conservatives into giving up their freedom to assemble. One of the primary fear tactics is to severely punish those who, on Jan. 6, 2021, opted to protest Democrat’s election-rigging practices, such as mass mail-in balloting and Big Tech censorship. As newly-released Jan. 6 footage further reveals, many of the Jan. 6 protesters accused of rioting were peaceful.

Conservatives aren’t just afraid — they’re also hopeless. After witnessing the Marxist race riots of 2020 and the erasure of their civil liberties during Covid, many Americans no longer recognize their homeland.

Spain Understands The Stakes

Spain has first-hand experience with communism. When communists controlled Spain, both in the lead-up to and during the civil war in the 1930s, it resulted in the persecution of Spanish intellectuals, clerics, and Christian laypeople.

Spanish communists began their anti-Christian hate by banning all religious schools, removing crucifixes from classrooms, and deeming all religious marriages invalid in the eyes of the state. Eventually, they started burning Catholic Churches and mass executing Catholic religious and laypeople. Property rights were thrown out, and conservatives were unjustly convicted in kangaroo courts and executed.

In America, we are blessed not to know. However, that blessing is also a curse. We don’t appreciate how easily a free nation can fall into tyranny. Unable to oppose or even recognize tyranny, younger generations have lost touch with the American revolutionary spirit after sending generations of Americans to spend their formative years in reeducation camps run by cultural Marxists (aka public school and the university system).

Perhaps a way to regain America’s lost fortitude is by watching conservative freedom fighters in Spain. We may not have the national memory of communists burying priests alive or defiling and decapitating nuns, but we can look to Spain for motivation.

Indeed, the Spanish protests should inspire Americans, and Spanish history should be a warning. If we resign ourselves to failure or allow ourselves to be intimidated into silence, the consequences will be nothing short of complete national destruction.

After having been unequivocally and repeatedly schooled, in writing no less, by their own Founding Fathers in all anyone should ever need to know about the subject, if American conservatives don’t appreciate fully by now “how easily a free nation can fall into tyranny”—if they don’t understand the warning provided by not only contemporary Spanish history but more than a century’s historical experience with communism all over the planet—then American conservatives are just too fucking stupid to live, and richly deserve what they’re going to get.

Forget Spain; OUR OWN history, heritage, and powers of observation should provide more than sufficient inspiration to fight the menace of insidious Communism with every ounce of our strength, to our last dying breath. It’s a mark of the Left’s total success at penetrating, taking over, and perverting our education/indoctrination apparat entire that we should need to be reminded of that absolute imperative.

It’s incomprehensible to me that, to our eternal disgrace, we should remain lackadaisical about offering much in the way of meaningful resistance to the damnable Commies, much less openly denounce and defy them, much less take any action against them more effective than sotto voce grumbling amongst our fellows, then scurrying on out to VOAT HARDERER AT THEM!!!© just one more time.

Guess that would be downright uncouth of us, eh? Sometimes, despair can come to feel like the only sensible option in light of all this.

The one and only example Real American patriots need look to and follow is the one set by our illustrious, heroic forefathers. Every day, in every way, let them be our mentors, our inspiration, our spiritual guides. Without them, we are lost. We all know full well what those men would be doing in our situation right about now.

Then again, we also know they’d never have let things slide to such a dire extent that they’d find themselves in our situation in the first place. They’d consider such straits as these to be utterly intolerable, a lowly condition which no proud, self-respecting American man could ever even think of enduring without acting to avenge the insult and redeem his personal honor and dignity—promptly, vigorously, in a fashion brusque enough to preclude any possibility of misinterpretation or mistake.


Is the tide turning at long, long last?

Could be, could be. Via Zero Hedge:

Heh. Indeed. The anguish of shitlibs the world over brought on by these revoltin’ developments was best expressed by Whittier: Of all sad words of tongue and pen/The saddest are these, “It might have been.” From where I sit, Geert Wilders’ win in the Netherlands may not turn out to be quite the “landslide” being proclaimed by exultant right-wingers—the numbers are from those notorious exit polls, and Wilder has called for a coalition-government with the liberal-Left VVD—but it’s still a damned good start anyway; verily, the Progtard wailing comes as sweet music to mine ears. As Tyler Durden commends to our attention, it’s not as if the media propagandists will ever back down:

Just remember folks, it’s not the will of the people reflected at the ballot box, it’s the “far right” winning a “shock victory.”


An old truism holds that in this world, the only constant is change. Then again, some things never do. We shall see.

Update! That off-the-chain hairdo ain’t the only reason you just gotta love the guy.


Bang, zoom, to the moon with ye, libtards! Thanks to our boozum bud Concerned American for sending this one along.


EXCELLENT questions

Brandon Smith asks ‘em.

At what point does radical activism cross the line and become a declaration of war? It’s a question I’ve been pondering for a long time, as well as the implications it has for the concept of “democracy.” How much should civilization and heritage bend to the desires of contrary groups in the name of freedom? If a movement has consistently proven itself to be a destructive force that seeks to undermine the foundations of the west, should they be allowed to stay in the west? Is it authoritarian to kick them out? If it is, does it matter?

Not to me it doesn’t. But let me ask one: would they rather we kill them instead? Because frankly, that’s the only viable alternative to the proverbial bum’s rush I can descry. Onwards.

If these activists hate western culture so much, why would they want to stay in places like the US? Why not leave of their own accord to a nation or society that fits their philosophical demands? The only logical conclusion is that they stay because they want to sabotage the US and force everyone else to submit to their political vision. The truth is, leftists are ideological colonizers pretending to be “victims” of colonization.

But maybe the system of liberty is not made for people who want to tear it down. Maybe they don’t deserve its benefits.

Leftists think they have the edge because you have rules while they do not. They see their Utopian vision as absolute, and anyone that stops them from getting what they want is a tyrant that must be eliminated by any means necessary. Usually this involves overwhelming less organized targets with a mob, tearing the community (or country) down piece by piece until there’s nothing left. Once deconstruction is complete, they then build whatever society they want on the ashes.

Gee, THAT doesn’t sound at all familiar, does it? Thank goodness it could never happen here.

Woke acolytes and their elitist masters are not pursuing activism, they are pursuing war. It’s a 4th Generation war using tactics of treachery, subterfuge and psychological manipulation, but it is a war all the same. And since they are at war with us, this begs the question – Is it not acceptable to return fire?

Acceptable? Not so much. Say rather, ESSENTIAL.

It’s not all doom and gloom; the woke movement has suffered multiple defeats in the culture war the past couple years. The public is growing tired of the propaganda saturation used by the establishment media and people are sick of woke busybodies inserting themselves into every aspect of daily life. That said, such monsters don’t go quietly into the night, they will try to wreak havoc as they are pushed back.

We can’t forget that through all of this turmoil the globalists still remain in their positions of power and influence. If they are not eliminated from the equation then it really doesn’t matter how many times leftists are defeated in the social arena, the money men will always have the resources to fund and train more radicals and the whole mess starts over again.

Or, to slightly adjust the old Doritos ad: Crunch all you want, they’ll make more. Fine and well, then, just as long as we remember to keep on crunching ‘em.

The logical conclusion is to recognize that these people will have to be removed from western culture, by force if necessary. This is not an outlandish prospect. Many nations including western nations have provisions for removing destructive people and organizations from their borders, even when they are natural born citizens.

In the US, this would be considered a violation of the 14th Amendment and the rules of citizenship, but of course, the 14th Amendment only applies to how the federal government conducts itself, not the general populace. And when someone engages in a war with a large percentage of the American public in an effort to annihilate their way of life, they do not deserve to be treated with kid gloves.

We all know where this conflict is heading. The balkanization of the US is assured in the near future, and this might ease tensions. But can red states and blue states live peacefully next to each other for very long? The political left and the globalists will NEVER give up on their fantasy of a fully centralized and socialist America, where all memory of true liberty is wiped away.

True, dat. An abundance of wonderful quotes bearing on this eternal conflict ring down through the annals of human history, from the ancients to more contemporary thinkers, including but by no means limited to:

Wise words all, but perhaps most apropos to the current circumstances are the ones John Wilkes Booth shouted as he leapt down from the balcony of the Presidential box at Ford’s Theater, drawn from the first official seal of the sadly-diminished state of Virginia: Sic semper tyrannis! In light of all the above sagacity, though, none of us need be in any confusion about what the great Liberty Titan Thomas Jefferson would have to say to his posterity right about now:


Granted, Jefferson would probably NOT have used the common vernacular, nor expressed the thought in meme format; so proposed, so stipulated. But still.


Milgram 2023

A recap.

Stanley Milgram’s experiment was conducted in 1963, before the internet, social media, and the complete takeover of the U.S. by the Deep State. His estimate that only 20% of the population have the critical thinking skills to defy authority may have been true in 1963, but I think it is far lower today. The powers that be (invisible government per Edward Bernays) utilize every tool at their disposal to make sure their authority is not defied. They have perfected Bernays’ propaganda techniques, integrating lies, misinformation and fear into their formula of control.

Witness everything that has happened in the last several years as proof they have been successful in suppressing any substantive defiance to their authority. The entire Covid scamdemic was a modern day Milgram Experiment and the vast majority of the world population were duped into believing the annual flu was such a horrific threat that they agreed to be locked down, lose their jobs, treat others like lepers, mask & distance, give their government unlimited authoritarian power, agree to censor and cancel critical thinking dissenters, and ultimately be injected with an untested, toxic, gene therapy that failed to combat covid, but certainly has caused millions of “sudden deaths”, turbo cancers, and myocarditis in young people.

Those who questioned the clearly stolen 2020 presidential election have been systematically destroyed by those in authority. Make a critical thinking case about rigged voting machines, fraudulent mail in ballots, or ballot stuffing, and you lose your livelihood, like being shocked in a Milgram Experiment. The authorities declared January 6, 2020 an armed insurrection, but no Trump supporters were armed or killed anyone. An armed black government thug killed an unarmed woman, but he was declared a hero by the authorities that engineered the fake insurrection.

That’s the lead-in to the final two devastating paragraphs, which you really, really, really want to read.

(Via WRSA)


TWANLOCs exposing themselves

Would anyone like to explain to me again why we should think of these subhumans as our “countrymen,” rather than as what they actually are: our enemies?

Osama bin Laden’s infamous ‘Letter to America’ after 9/11 promoted by TikTok influencers, goes viral
Others on social media are promoting the terrorist’s justification of attacks on the U.S., antisemitic rhetoric

A TikTok influencer went viral this week for promoting Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America.”

Online personality and pro-Palestinian activist Lynette Adkins urged her over 175,000 TikTok followers on Tuesday to read the words of the terrorist mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. 

“I need everyone to stop what they’re doing right now and go read- It’s literally two pages. Go read ‘A Letter to America,” Adkins said the video. “And please come back here and just let me know what you think because I feel like I’m going through, like, an existential crisis right now and a lot of people are, so I just need someone else to be feeling this.”

Her video received roughly 800,000 views and over 80,000 likes on TikTok.

So there it is then, in plain, black and white numbers: 800k (at least) “people” who very much need to be, umm, removed, shall we say, without further ado before we can call this a truly civilized country again.

Update! Megyn Kelly, smokin’ hot as always (in more than just the obvious way), puts it to ‘em straight.

Said a mouthful there, girlfriend.


Term limits NOW

Buck Throckmorton makes a rock-solid case for an idea whose time has definitely come.

We have reached a point where several of the most powerful leadership positions in Congress have been held in recent years by persons who are clearly no longer mentally fit to govern, yet they are completely untouchable at the polls. Below them in seniority are hundreds more entrenched Representatives and Senators who are unextractable.

There are a great many conservative pundits and thinkers whom I respect that argue against term limits. They make the case that, “We already have term limits, they’re called elections.”

Respectfully, they’re wrong.

It may occasionally be possible to replace an incumbent with someone from another party at the ballot box, but the cards are so stacked against primary challenges to an incumbent that pulling off a win is akin to a 16-seed winning a basketball game in March Madness. It can happen – rarely – but it’s almost impossible.

He goes on from there to knock down, one by one, the specific arguments against, including but by no means limited to these:

All 435 members of the House are not equal in power. Again, Congress has rigged it rules such that long-tenured members have much greater power and authority due to seniority. Replacing my 7-term Congressman, who has several plum committee assignments, with a rookie would mean that voters in my district are surrendering representation and influence. Again, voters are not affirming the status quo by continually returning their Representatives to Congress, they are responding as they must by how the rules are currently rigged. Term limits would flush out those with seniority and force the change that 1 district out of 435 cannot change.

Another argument from the anti-term limits crowd is that, “Power will switch to the permanent bureaucracy.” Lawmaking via regulatory power has already been overwhelmingly outsourced to the bureaucracy. Fresh blood in Congress would provide an opportunity to bring in people who might actually challenge the power of the permanent bureaucracy, rather than defend and serve it as the uniparty does now.

The same establishment Republicans who mock us for promoting term limits while we continue to re-elect our own incumbent congressman, were blind with rage at us when we actually did throw an entrenched incumbent out during a primary. Suffice it to say, the establishment is using its resources to ensure there will be no more Cantors. Since Cantor’s loss, any candidate challenging an incumbent is quickly smeared as a gadfly and an extremist by those with power and resources. This successfully deters most respectable people from engaging in long-shot primary races against incumbents.

The simplistic belief that access to the ballot renders term limits unnecessary is as idealistically utopian as believing in the benevolent communitarianism of communism, or in the benign anarchy of libertarianism. People who have attained power will seek to retain power, and those in power have weighted the playing field so heavily in favor of incumbency that meaningful turnover cannot happen at the ballot box.

No one should have access to such power indefinitely. We need term limits to force a turnover of those holding power in Congress.

‘Fraid so, yeah. Would that it were not so—one truly hates to suggest more legislation as a solution to any problem at all, if one is even marginally a Constitutional conservative—but sadly, it is. Having strayed so very far from our origins as a Constitutionally-correct representative republic, I guess resorting to last-ditch, principle-traducing measures such as term limits are inevitable.


The nihilistic/narcissistic West

Can narcissists even BE nihilists, really? Or that a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron? Y’know, like “jumbo shrimp,” “militant pacifist,” or “unbiased opinion”?

The Scales Have Fallen. Now What?
You may have noticed that the enemies of the West no longer need to hide their animosity or their purpose. In the wake of my 2015 book, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace, I was often asked what, exactly, did the Frankfurt School and its spawn in academe and its fellow travelers in the media desire in the wake of the collapse of Western civilization? What would follow the triumph of “Critical Theory”? A new communist paradise? The teleological resolution of their imaginary “arc of history”? The sunny uplands of “fairness,” “equality,” and even “equity”? None of those things, I replied. What they want is…nothing.

To assume that our ideological opponents want something is to play the game on their turf. It’s a mistake we make constantly. We imagine that words mean the same thing when they use them as when we use them. We have accepted their protestations that they “only” want a new, post-revolutionary Brotherhood of Man when they speak glowingly of the future, when instead they’re happy to stop with the destruction of the past two thousand years of history, and call it a job well done. We mistakenly assume that they want the same world that we do, only different, when in fact nihilism is their goal. To put it in contemporary terms, they are Jokers, the kind of men who only want to watch the world burn.

Thanks to a host of recent developments, this finally seems to be sinking through the fog of our post-Greco-Roman Christian reality. Muslim irredentists have butchered thousands of innocents in Israel — and Muslims and their supporters all over the West march in full-throated support. In London, they have defaced public monuments; in Germany they have ignored orders to disperse; in the United States their radicalized supporters in the universities — universities that were deliberately radicalized by the Left in this country, and who now are astonished to find themselves on the receiving end of overt anti-Semitism — show not the slightest signs of shame, but instead exult in their chance to finally be against everything

As winter approaches, the exhausted bugbear of the Covid hoax isn’t playing as it did during the heyday of the pocket tyrant, Anthony Fauci, as the public realizes that the entire charade was a test run to see just how much Americans would take, how eagerly they were willing to rat out each other out, to be spied on, lied to, panicked by their friends, neighbors, and government. The same mouthpieces at the wholly corrupt CDC and other official organs continue to push their “vaccines,” but this time the public is saying that it’s asparagus, and to hell with it. People are more fearful of dying young and “unexpectedly” after a hot shot of mRNA than they are of the weaponized common cold imported with malice aforethought from China.

The “transgender” movement, too, is losing steam, along with the “diversity” shibboleths. The sexy lingerie manufacturer, Victoria’s Secret, has abandoned its attempt to sell fat women (and feminized men) as objects of sexual desire to straight men, a wholly undesired push for “inclusivity” that has economically come a cropper. Gillette’s sales of razors and blades tanked after an unfortunate experiment with denouncing “toxic” — i.e., real — masculinity, while Bud Light’s beer sales famously cratered after its unfortunate liaison with a transsexual model: The Crying Game of American corporate stupidity. And real women are finally waking up to the fact that men in dresses can cause them serious harm, and that this delusion must be stopped in the fields of competitive women’s sports.

So the choice is stark, the danger clear and present, the time is now: do the men of the West rise once again to stop the barbarians at — and already within — the gates, or do they surrender to the resentful losers of cultural Marxism and their burning desire to set the world aflame and live in the ruins? How do we save the cultural legacy that extended, until recently, from Greece and Rome through the democratic victory of the Second World War?

Exhausted and effeminate (to use Gibbon’s scornful characterization), Rome eventually collapsed, split apart, and was reborn in the West as the nation-states of Europe, whereas in the East it succumbed to luxury, replaced war with bribery and negotiation, and eventually fell to a leaner and hungrier Islam that had only contempt for the effete Byzantines. Which is why Constantinople, founded as a Christian capital, is today called Istanbul.

In 1919, Georg Lukács — one of the founding fathers of the Frankfurt School — wondered aloud: “Who will save us from Western civilization?” Today, we must ask: “Who will save it?”

An excellent question, one which bespeaks unimaginable travail, loss, and human misery no matter what the eventual outcome of any attempt at saving it might end up being, should anyone ever bestir themselves to try at all. The jury is still out on that last one.


One-way colonization

And guess what: it ain’t the West doing the colonizing anymore.

Part of the reason for these failures to win the clash of civilizations is that population movement only occurs in one direction. For all the bleating about “colonizers” from the radical Left, it’s the Western world that has been colonized, as is painfully evident in Europe.

Culture spreads through believers. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Western thinkers got this idea that culture was spreading through commerce. They thought the Berlin Wall was pulverized by blue jeans and rock & roll.

There is some cultural transmission through commerce and communications, to be sure. Books, films, and music definitely spread ideas. The problem is that authoritarian regimes can contain that type of ideological contamination with censorship and violence.

A far more durable method of spreading cultural ideas, tried and true across the span of centuries, is to simply move warm bodies across borders. This is especially true when vulnerable Western societies do not require, or even encourage, assimilation.

Our culture has essentially been rigged to self-destruct at the slightest contact with aggressive alien ideas. Academia has taught generations that our society is fundamentally corrupt, systemically racist, sick with evil since its very inception.

No culture wracked by that much manufactured guilt and cultivated self-doubt is going to propagate itself, especially not within authoritarian societies with heavy strains of nationalism, theology, and religious extremism.

This is especially true because there has been no significant movement of Westerners into Islamic nations since 9/11. No warm bodies crossing borders and bearing ideas. The Western presence in places like Iraq and Afghanistan is treated like a disease to be quarantined.

The big population movements were all in the other direction, and they happened with astounding speed, driven by open-borders ideologues and well-financed organizations devoted to increasing Westward migration.

Could you imagine what migration in the other direction would even LOOK like? Millions of Americans or Europeans settling in other countries, demonstrating in their streets, exerting a gravitational pull on their politics? They’d be excoriated as “colonizers” if they tried it.

Could you imagine any autocratic or theocratic nation simply ceding portions of its cities to American or European immigrants, shrugging and writing them off as “no-go zones” for the locals, allowing mosques to be converted into churches, tolerating huge pro-America protests?

Two decades ago, our media wouldn’t allow us to see Palestinians dancing in the streets and passing out candy to celebrate 9/11 because we supposedly couldn’t handle it. Our elite lacked confidence in the people it rules, and it’s only gotten worse since then.

We were deliberately made wide-open for conquest, and invaders have marched in – both physically and with toxic ideology. Our elites utterly failed to liberalize the world, so now they just offer terms of surrender to tyrannical aggression, and they don’t negotiate hard.

Myself, I’d be perfectly content not to go out a-colonizing the troglodytic, smelly sonsabitches, if they’d only agree to just leave us the hell alone and stick to slaughtering each other in their own barely-habitable, primordial, sewer-state shitrapies in return. Regrettably, the barbarians of the Moslem world are no more capable of leaving others alone to live as they wish than our domestic Leftard antagonists are.

In both cases, conquest, oppression, and brutal subjugation aren’t some unfortunate side effect of an otherwise noble and benignant creed, they’re the whole fucking point of an irredeemably evil one. This is a primary locus of confluence between the brattish, self-absorbed Men Without Chests currently dismantling their own laboriously-constructed, uniquely-successful civilization and their momentary allies of convenience, the savage jihadi hardasses who are only too happy to take full advantage of the unlooked-for assist.

This inherently unstable relationship has created a strange, pragmatic truce between two irreconcilable modes of personal conduct: hedonistic abandon to the pursuit of worldly pleasure versus a dour, ascetic self-abnegation pushed to extremes of fanatacism and mad zealotry. For however much longer such an arrangement can last, at any rate.



At last, Kuenstler has written a column that I can’t quibble with, complain about, or disagree with in even the smallest, most niggling way.

Our nation, under the leadership of “Joe Biden” (…iden…iden…iden…iden…), has deployed our mighty warships in the waters all around and amongst Israel’s adversaries. Hard to see how that couldn’t happen, our sacred duty and all. If called upon, they can probably do a lot of damage — though there is plenty of reason to believe that Iran has enough anti-ship cruise missiles to create a big problem for us. Heck, Iran has enough long range conventional guided missiles to turn Haifa and Tel Aviv into ashtrays. But then, five minutes later, the same would be true for Teheran and Damascus, only they’d be radioactive. And who knows what those swarms of moiling migrants in the US and Euroland might be inspired to do, when it comes to that?

Jihad is in the offing. Too many are itching to set it off. Now they’re just waiting for an excuse, a reason to ignite the fuses. The obvious excuse would be an Israeli military incursion into Gaza. That would git’er done, I’m sure. The Israelis must realize this. Despite prior expectations, though, and even given the thirst for vengeance, they might realize it’s unnecessary. They’ve done enough bombing in Gaza. They could neutralize the command network of Hamas pretty much the same way they got the Black September ringleaders of the Munich Olympics massacre, 1972 — a methodical hunt over years, decades. They don’t have to shout from the rooftops, either. Everyone will know.

There is the fate of the Gaza hostages to consider. It doesn’t look good. Given enough time, of course, they can be shuttled around geographically here, there, and everywhere and concealed for years. They have value. World opinion will turn on the hostage-takers, though you might argue that no longer matters. I rather expect that rescue operations are well-planned and some may be carried out. But, overall, many of these poor pawns are apt to be lost. Tragic is tragic.

If we manage to avoid World War Three, America has its own grave problem to consider, which is comprehensive collapse — of economic activity, the financial scaffold for it, and of civil order in a society under deadly stress. Most of this damage has been induced by our own political leaders. Now that the House of Representatives has been put in order, it’s time for that body to act expeditiously and relieve “Joe Biden” of his responsibilities…and then Ms. Harris…and then Messrs. Garland, Mayorkas, and Wray. Out with them, post haste, and begin the project to save our own country.

Seconded, wholeheartedly—every word of it, to the last detail. Well, except that nothing in the last two sentences—which demonstrate that poor old James is still eager to succumb to the usual unfounded over-optimism about the likelihood of even one item on his devoutly-to-be-wished list coming to pass, desirable as they would doubtless be—has a ghost of a chance of happening. I say again: this is NOT America as we once knew it, not in any way, shape, or form. This is Amerika v2.0, and the sooner we can all get our heads around that dismaying home truth, the sooner something useful might actually be done about it.


Shaking in their boots, they are NOT

Yeah, they’re afraid of us and all our big, scary guns. Just keep telling yourself that while clicking your heels together three times and maybe it’ll come true.

It’s been a while since the term studied insult was common in American discourse. Yet the thing itself has been much with us these past few years, so it’s well to understand what the term signifies:

studied insult: An insult carefully designed to pertain to a particular person or group, such that the insulted one(s) cannot fail to take note of the offense.

The intention is to give offense to a specific person, and in a specific way. The British have long been celebrated for excellence in this field.

The question good-hearted people of every kind have been asking since January 20, 2021 is simple and plaintive: “How could they not have known this would happen?” The stolen elections of November 2020 were followed by one incredibly “stupid” policy after another. Surely the Gentle Readers of Liberty’s Torch remember the high points:

  • Strangling the supply of oil and gas.
  • Opening wide the southern border.
  • Massive inflation of the currency.
  • Pansification of the military.
  • Involvement in Russia-Ukraine War.
  • Massive financial gifts to Iran.
  • Abandonment of $80 billion in weaponry to the Taliban.
  • Use of the DOJ and FBI as political tools.
  • De facto legalization of rioting, vandalism, vagrancy, and theft.
  • Sam Brinton, Karine Jean-Pierre, and “Rachel” Levine.

I could go on, of course. Every single thing in the list above was done deliberately, with full foreknowledge of its consequences. They were strokes intentionally delivered to achieve two effects:

To weaken the United States, whether politically, militarily, or economically;

To insult decent Americans so blatantly that there could be no doubt about it.

Many good-hearted people simply can’t believe that the Usurpers really meant to offend us so blatantly…that those were studied insults. But in fact they’d been planned since Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in November 2016. Those barbs were intended to be blunt and brutal: We can do what we like to you, and there’s not one damn thing you can do about it.

I’m a fair hand with such things, and I tell you plainly: I could not have contrived more blatant, humiliating insults if I were given a decade to do it.

Francis has nailed it but good with this one, and Bayou Peter knows it.

I have to agree with Mr. Porretto. This is deliberate, in-your-face intimidation and triumphalism. “We got rid of Trump and his ilk, and now we’re in charge, and there’s nothing you can do about it!” That’s the message. That’s also why I, and many others, believe the 2024 elections will be a sham, and a fake, and a public lie. Having gone this far, the powers that be dare not see their handiwork overturned by another Trumpian revolution. They have to protect it, and themselves for having fostered and accomplished it: and that means we’ve probably seen the last free and fair elections in America for some time to come, until people get fed up enough to do something about the corruption and dishonesty that have come to rule the “old ways” of government.

Mr. Porretto asks, “What will we do on that day?” My question is, “When will that day come?” Either way, it’s not a comfortable thought. I’ve lived in disintegrating societies and nations in the Third World, and seen at first hand how many become casualties of the process – militarily, economically, socially, politically, culturally and in every other way imaginable. I think most of us will learn more about that in the not too distant future, because when the rot has set into a society as deeply as it has into ours, there’s a certain inevitability about the process. What’s more, unless the decent majority “screws their courage to the sticking place”, the end result is unlikely to be happy. The intimidation currently on display is designed to stop them doing that. Will it succeed? Or will it provoke them to say, “So far and no further!”?

Remains to be seen, I suppose, which we will soon enough. The one thing for sure is that, far from fearing us, all the evidence shows that in fact they despise us—that they hold us in complete contempt, and will go right on doing so until they’re given reason NOT to.

One of Jefferson’s most well-known apocryphal aphorisms sums up our condition more than adequately, as pithily and neatly as it’s ever been done: When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. Whether Jefferson ever actually said it—it’s almost certain that he didn’t—is pretty much moot, because of the overwhelming truth of it. That being so, which of those two sentences best describes Amerika v2.0 today?

Do not go gently

Into that no-good prison.

President Donald Trump has declared that he’s “willing to go jail” as he vowed to break a federal judge’s gag order against him.

During a rally in Iowa, Trump told hundreds of supporters in suburban Des Moines that he will never be silenced.

Trump held the rally just 91 days before Iowa Republicans are due to hold the first-in-the-nation 2024 presidential caucuses.

Earlier on Monday, Obama-appointed federal District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan slapped a gag order on Trump.

The order bars the 45th president from attacking or criticizing witnesses, prosecutors, and court staff involved in his Washington, D.C. criminal case.

Wrong answer, Mr President, sir.

I mean, on the one hand it’s a good thing he’s “willing to go to jail,” I suppose, since that’s exactly where he’s headed in any event. But speaking strictly for myself and no one else, I’d like to see a bit more of the “hell no, I won’t go” spirit of outraged defiance from him, a little more “come and get me if you think you can, motherfuckers.” Submissive resignation—a shrug of the shoulders and a “well, whatchagonnado” as if equality under the law still meant a goddamned thing in Amerika v2.0—just ain’t gonna cut the mustard anymore.


Bloggers go round in circles

First, JJ gets the train a-rolling with this, about drooling socialist shitwit and felonious Congresscritter Jamaal T’Qwon’ShiTaviousLa’VerlenDe’Etta Bowman:

In any case, what Bowman did was indeed the dictionary definition of what all of the innocent dupes who were caught up in the FBI/DOJ false flag sting operation on January 6th have been accused of – many of whom tried, convicted and sentenced to long stretches in federal prison. And what he did was worse as it could have led to actual physical harm. As opposed to the crime against humanity of walking around with a police escort dressed as Chief Wild Eagle or putting your feet up on Malig-Nancy Pelosi’s desk. The horror. The horror…

In a completely bizarre decision, Dem. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY) committed a misdemeanor and potential felony in order to stop the Constitutional function of government. I kid you not…

…We are talking breaking the law here, an act apparently performed with the goal of disrupting Constitutional congressional work. This is a Constitutional crisis because he intended to upend our Constitutional order and to topple our democracy. And stuff. Isn’t that how this works? I think so, according to the Democrats’ own rules, so this felony needs to be pursued and this man held accountable.

He won’t be held accountable, because Democrat. If he actually were held accountable, cities would burn.

Emphasis Bill’s, who responds thusly:

Wait. Is that supposed to be a threat? To me and the constitutionally governed republic I love? 

Let it burn. Let them burn. The cities are all nests of America-hating negroes, illegal aliens, organized criminals, white female supremacists, and low self-restraint barbarian savages too stupid, ignorant, and violent to see a problem with burning down their own homes, let alone our society, culture, and politics. Except for a small minority, it’s not really their society in the first place. They didn’t create it, and, in fact, seem barely to know it exists, even as they rampage through the smoking rubble of its destruction.

“Burn, baby, burn!” you threaten?

I say, fine. Let it burn. Since the American body politic seems unable to defeat the cancer eating away at its heart, perhaps stronger, more traditional cures are needed.

Seconded, with all my heart and soul. Every word he just said is true, albeit disheartening as all hell. Regardless of what sane, peaceable folks might prefer, all signs and portents indicate that the time for painful, unpleasant remedies is nigh upon us. Harsh reality will reassert itself, dream castles come crashing down. Fantasies and delusions will blow away like tiny shreds of Kleenex in a stiff wind.

Consider: Normals have been lied to, laughed at, swindled, double-crossed—their guileless trust weaponized against them; their intelligence insulted; their values and beliefs belittled. Their jobs have been outsourced to hostile nations. Their independence and freedom of movement have been slowly but steadily eroded, their businesses gratuitously destroyed, their very lives ruined, all in the name of a fraudulent climate “crisis” and a Plandemic hoax. Their children have been indoctrinated, sexualized, surgically mutilated, and taught to despise their loving parents—all while being somberly cautioned that they must never, ever mention to their parents what Teacher has been doing to them in school, mind.

They pay punitive taxes to a Superstate Leviathan that disburses those funds to feral inner-city “youths” who express their gratitude for such kindly largesse by robbing them, mugging them, hijacking their cars, invading their homes, raping their wives and/or daughters, and remorselessly murdering them for no more reason than that they think it’s “fun.” That same Leviathan-state—bloated yet never sated by a steady diet of extravagantly-usurious taxation, licensing fees, permits, and “service” charges—denounces its Normal benefactors, upon whom its very existence depends, as unevolved, bigoted, (victim of the week)-phobic, and reflexively violent. It vilifies them as an ever-present threat to all things officially deemed Good, Decent, and Acceptable—a threat that must be suppressed, exiled, incarcerated, and/or eliminated without delay.

The money Normals earn much too little of by the sweat of their brow—paid with fiat currency backed by nothing more substantive than hot air and the forked-tongue promises of politicians—has been devalued into virtual worthlessness thanks to systemic fiscal irresponsibility, staggeringly profligate spending, and just plain waste. Meanwhile, expenses for food, rent, fuel, and all consumer goods rocket into the ionosphere even while untold billions are shoveled to a corrupt and intractably mendacious foreign dictator—ostensibly to sustain a pointless proxy war FederalGovCo cannot win, waged against an army its own weakened, numerically dwindling, and poorly trained armed forces cannot defeat, but in reality a quid pro quo payoff to buy the bent dictator’s continued omertà on the topic of the Biden Crime Familia‘s chronic bribe-chasing and influence peddling, a scheme pulled off in quiet collusion with said dictator.

Normals live in a lawless society under an illegitimate occupation government, ceaselessly reviled by an amoral arts-entertainment/education/sports/journalism monolith which cordially loathes them and all that they stand for, cherish, or revere. Their generosity and good will are taken for granted; their faith in institutions and authorities betrayed; their best interests, opinions, and preferences ignored. Their patience, tolerance, and forbearance are assumed to be without limit. Because they’ve never yet risen in righteously-furious revolt to liberate themselves from such cancerous oppression, their oppressors have convinced themselves that they never will.

Yeah, if the “Biden” junta, its lackwit ghetto dupes, and sundry overprivileged, epicene, Wokester pseudo-“elites” really DO want a fight, just let ’em keep all this up. Should they carry on as they have been, I strongly suspect they just might get themselves one before too very much longer—all they wanted of one, plus.

Update! Almost forgot to include the inspiration for my post title, dang it. Ladies and germs, for your dining and dancing pleasure, allow me to present to you the one, the only, the incomparable BUDDY! MIIIILES! *insert wild, uproarious applause HERE*

FYI, that odd-looking, pint-sized keyboard-whatchamadingy Buddy blows his solo into around midway through is called a Clavietta Melodica. Reason I know this is my dad had one of ’em just like the one at this h’yar link. Man, I used to just love playing that little sucker when I was but a wee tot. I ain’t claiming I was actually any good at it, but when I was eight years old, I sure thought I was.


NOTICE: “Ballistic fingerprinting,” like “drug-sniffing dogs,” is the bunk

DM reports, Kevin derides.

Well, the news of Maryland’s Integrated Ballistics Identification System database being a failure has made the rounds of the blogosphere. Kim commented on Wedneday, so did Say Uncle (with an Instalanche). Triggerfinger, Keith Devens, and No Quarters, did too. The Geek with a .45 gives a link to the actual report in a PDF file (graphic, rather than text file, though,) and Irons in the Fire commented on that.

I’ve been pretty busy, but I had a chance to read the report yesterday, and it’s an interesting expansion on the other reports I’ve read. There are two from California’s ballistic imaging feasibility study, and the original Maryland study. All of these reports reference New York’s system, but I have yet to find a study of that system specifically.

The general consensus of all of the blog pieces was a sarcastic “big freaking surprise!” which is understandable given our stated biases. The response from the gun confiscation, er, control, um, SAFETY groups was a bit more muted. JoinTogether didn’t make a peep, as far as I could tell. No press release from the Brady Campaign. Ditto for the Violence Policy Center. But one thing that struck me, as immersed in this topic as I am, was this comment at Say Uncle:

I am fairly green, could you explain why the idea would not work.

I can see their problem of the guns not being indexed, but would it would seem that that could be solved by indexing all the guns.

Several respondents made a valiant effort to explain the problems inherent in the system, but a couple of paragraphs is insufficient. Like most controversial topics, there’s a whole lot of “there” there, and no simple two- or even ten-sentence response is enough. Sometimes I forget that a lot of people don’t have the basic information I’ve accumulated over the last ten years. (Generally not, though, which is one reason my posts – like this one – tend to the Den Bestian in length.)

So here, in some detail, is a dissertation on just some of the problems with the concept of “ballistic fingerprinting” as a crime-fighting tool.

Much, much, MUCH more here (including supporting links throughout), of which you should read the all. Taken altogether, it’s as thorough and comprehensive a debunking—with pictures, yet—of the “ballistic fingerprinting” hokum as you’re ever gonna see. Now, about those “drug-sniffing dogs…

In a nutshell, then: Everything we’ve been told for lo, these many, many years by FederalGovCo and anti-2A, anti-freedom shitlibs (BIRM) is a goddamned lie.

Put-up job

Right from the very start.

teflon tony goes to langley?
just when you thought you’d seen the bottom of the rabbithole

i am old enough to remember when “covid-19 escaped from a lab” was a “conspiracy theory.” to my own embarrassment, i initially suspected this was correct because using coronaviruses as a base for a bioweapon seemed like a poor choice and it was my presumption that this was the claim.

then i came across the whole peter daszak story and the wild and reckless GoF projects to work on various forms of vaccines and some truly crazy ideas about spreading hotwired covid to wild bat colonies. and everyone from ecohealth to peter hotez has their snouts in the trough.

this changed my mind and made “lab leak” look to me like by far the odds on (and frankly, near certain) choice. it also made an awful lot of people look like overt and deliberate liars not least of which was teflon tony himself. last i checked, perjury to congress is still a crime but hell, who knows these days?

the whole affair became one vast fox commission investigating the henhouse murders as the very people who funded and made this mess were empaneled to investigate it. it’s been a truly top to bottom whitewash from start to what seemed like the finish.

as many of you likely saw, a whistleblower came forward to discuss the fact that a number of CIA analysts appear to have been paid to change their takes on covid origins.

and now guess who looks to have been right in the middle of this imbroglio? oh yeah, the fauch-meister, faucharama, the fauch a ding ding: talking-point tony himself.

and while, sure, they are just asking some questions here (for now) goodness, they certainly do seem to be some VERY specific questions. one might even go so far as to call them “the sort of questions one only asks if one already knows the answer” but you know me, “mr suspicious paws.”

this certainly has some interesting dovetails into “the great pivot” where fauci and numerous others all suddenly went from “it’s fine, go on a cruise, masks are silly, go live your life” to the crazed and evidence free covidian stances of lock down, mask up, and jab, jab, jab that they instantly adopted upon the arrival of debbie birx to the white house (after being sent not by health agencies, but by the national security advisor.)

and there certainly was an awful lot of poorly explained and deeply unusual military involvement in and around covid.

Supporting links throughout, which as usual I didn’t bother transcribing, but which nonetheless are pretty damning. “Suspicious” doesn’t even begin to cover it, and even “stinks to high heaven” just barely meets the case. But if we let them get away with it again, in the face of a ziggurat-like preponderance of titanium-clad evidence as to what the whole FauxVid ploy was really all about…well, frankly, that will be entirely on us.


Boogs on parade

Steyn plays a round of Name That Dindu.

Spirits of the Age
Last month, The Las Vegas Review-Journal carried a sad little story about a man who’d died while out on a bicycle ride:

His daughter, Taylor Probst, got an alert from her dad’s Apple Watch indicating that the 64-year-old man had fallen. The 27-year-old and her mother, Crystal Probst, drove to the scene of the crash, only 3 miles from their home.

“I come from law enforcement as well in my younger days,” Crystal Probst said in an interview Friday. “I was able to ascertain, there’s his bike, his helmet is way over there, his phone is way over there. I’m like, this is not good…”

Officers and firefighters told the women that Probst had been taken to University Medical Center.

They waited four hours there, asking everyone where their loved one was.

Finally, a representative from the Clark County coroner’s office told them Probst had passed.

“When they know somebody’s dead, and a family is sitting out in that lobby waiting, somebody needs to come out,” Crystal Probst said, angry at the delayed response.

So that’s how it was initially reported. As the characteristically somnolent monodaily’s original headline put it:

Retired police chief killed in bike crash remembered for laugh, love of coffee

Must have been a pretty bad “crash”, huh? But just one of those things, compounded at the hospital by the usual bureaucratic heartlessness of modern life.

And then a video emerged, which included a little witty repartee.

So two joyriders steal a car, hit another vehicle, and then decide to kill a bicyclist for kicks. “Ready?” says the driver. “Hit his ass,” responds the passenger. And they do – and whaddayaknow, killing a guy makes for a really cool video when you post it on “social” media!

Then a CBS report dropped relating the arrest of a “teen” of scrupulously-undisclosed ethnic origin, for “a series” of “hit-and-run crashes” in El Lay. Mark throws yet another eerily similar incident from Toronto into the gruesome mix before hurling the payoff pitch:

Notice how in all three jurisdictions the media report what happened as a “hit-and-run”. I think not. Hit-and-run laws are among the earliest of traffic regulations (1927, even on the rustic byways of British Bengal) because, in the days of dusty unpaved roads, no license plates and begoggled drivers, good luck figuring out who that chap is fleeing the scene of an accident. But that’s what the term is meant to cover: an accident. You carelessly hit another vehicle and, in a moment of panic, hightail it out of there.

The above incidents are hit-and-run only in the sense that, say, the 2016 Bastille Day truck carnage or the Berlin Christmas market slaughter were.

Of course, those guys were ploughing you into the asphalt in order to advance the triumph of Islam over the infidel. The good news is that the killers in Nevada and California and Ontario just do it for a laugh.

Annnnd dingdingdingdingdingdingding WE HAVE A WINNAH, FOLKS! Meanwhile, the LVR-J folks would like all you RAYCISS!!!© peons to know they’re upset with you for being upset with their stringently sotto voce reportage on this hate-crime:

Compare and contrast all the above with the hometown paper’s anodyne headline. Having remained silent through Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the Review-Journal finally returned to the “bike crash” today to defend its feeble, anaesthetizing coverage:

As the online firestorm evolved on Saturday, editors at the Review-Journal changed the headline of the article, removing the phrase “bike crash” and replacing it with “hit-and-run,” hoping the change would calm the online vitriol.

But that isn’t true either: it’s an act of murder – a vehicular homicide for which that guy in Charlottesville, Virginia is presently serving half-a-millennium.

Indeed so. Funny, that—but not in a jolly, hah-hah sort of way.

And yes, my post title IS an intentional play on the name of my favorite RATM song.

My second-favorite? The obvious one, of course.

(Via Ed Driscoll)


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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