On the list of things that will kill ya, turns out AR15s aren’t all that high up.

ABC News Accidently Admits AR-15s Aren’t as Dangerous as the Dems Pretend They Are
In their latest hit piece on Long Island’s GOP Rep. George Santos, ABC News let a little fact slip about the AR-15.

Santos co-sponsored a bill to name the AR-15 the “national gun of the United States.” ABC News stroked an article about voters protesters showing up at Santos’s office to protest the bill.

The ABC article states, “Research shows an AR-15-style rifle has been used to kill at least 226 people in mass shootings since 2012.”

If my calculator is accurate, that’s roughly 22.6 people per year, or 1.8 people per month, who have been killed by AR-15s in mass shootings.

Let’s take a look at ways in which more Americans die every year than by AR-15s used in mass shootings:

  • Twenty-eight people are killed every year by lightning.
  • Roughly 2,167 Americans die annually from constipation.
  • On average, 951 people are killed by their lawnmowers while another 4,193 are killed by farm tractors and other agricultural equipment.
  • Murderous toasters kill 45 people per year.
  • Eleven teenagers die every day while texting and driving.
  • An estimated 40 people die every year while skateboarding.
  • Roughly 10,206 are accidentally strangled to death while they sleep, and for those who survive the night, another 10,386 will die every year falling out of bed.
  • As per the FBI, rifles of every variation — including but not limited to the scary AR-15 — killed 215 Americans in 2019. But another 1,533 were killed by knives, and 651 people were beaten to death by hands, fists, feet, etc.
  • In 2015, 5,051 people choked to death while eating.
  • Americans average 62 deaths per year by bees, wasps, and hornets.

What Have We Learned?
We’ve learned that if you want to cut down on needless deaths, you’re better off handing out prune juice than trying to purloin AR-15s, as we Americans are roughly 10 times more likely to die as Elvis did — on the toilet — than by an AR-15 in a mass shooting. We’re 50 times more likely to be beaten to death. We’re roughly 1,000 times more likely to be killed — either by accidental strangulation or falling — from our beds than by an AR-15.

“As Elvis did.” Sigh. I tire of having to point it out again and again, but the truth is Elvis did NOT “die on the toilet.” That story was manufactured by Vernon for a press conference in the immediate wake of The King’s demise. Being an old-school sort of backcountry coot, Papa Vern considered it much more of an embarrassment and a disgrace that his son might have died from lethal-level amounts of at least five different drugs coursing through his system than of a heart attack induced by straining unproductively on the crapper, and assumed most ordinary folks would feel the same way as he did about it.

As recounted in the second volume of Peter Guralnick’s masterful Elvis bio, Careless Love, the master bathroom at Graceland, see, had a separate-but-attached ante-room with a comfy sofa and a LaZBoy recliner therein. And that’s where Elvis was actually found crumpled dead on the floor, fully clothed in his silken jammies, with a magazine in hand. Elvis had for years been known to sit in the master-bath lounge area reading at any hour of the day or night, just relaxing, so it’s no big surprise that it might be where he expired.

Vernon’s grim fairy tale, intended to preserve some shred of dignity for his son after his death, actually had quite the opposite effect, having lingered on to haunt E’s memory as a topic of disdain and mockery ever since. Funny how our attitudes and assumptions have so radically shifted since Vernon Presley’s day, innit? Would that hoplophobic shitlibs’ knee-jerk loathing for the venerable AR15 might someday undergo a similar shift, I’m thinkin’.

Can’t win for losing

So just when Jurassic Media thinks they’ve got themselves another Angry White Male School Shooter to seize upon, no sooner do they all start doing the old soft shoe on the long-anticipated grave of the 2A than what happens?

Wait for…wait for it…waaaaiiiit for it


Well, dammit. Back to the ol’ drawing board, shitlibs. As BCE quips, now we see how fastly they can activate the memory hole, which has gotta be getting near full-up with this sort of thing by now.

Oops oops OOOPSIE update! So…how’s that “Trans Day Of Vengeance” working out for ya, eh?

“Militant” might be understating the case just a wee mite, don’tchathink?

Same old senility update! Notional “pee-Resident” Pedo Joe SPRINGS INTO ACTION, offering comfort to a shocked and heartsick nation as only he can.

GHASTLY: Biden in Jocular Mood, Jokes About Ice Cream Before Statement on Nashville Shooting

An extraordinarily strange scene unfolded at the White House on Monday after the news broke that a woman claiming to be a man had murdered six people at Covenant School, a Christian school in Nashville. Old Joe Biden came out to address the Small Business Administration’s Women’s Business Summit, knowing that the shooting had taken place and that there were fatalities, and likewise knowing that the world was waiting and watching, expecting him to make a statement about what had happened. Instead of striking a somber note, however, asking for prayers and expressing condolences, Old Joe was positively insouciant, yukking it up with some children in the audience, kidding around about ice cream, and generally showing himself to be in splendid high spirits. Was he buoyed at the prospect of another chance to push his agenda of disarming sane and law-abiding Americans?

Biden began by announcing, to laughter from the crowd: “My name is Joe Biden. I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband. And I eat Jeni’s Ice Cream, chocolate chip. I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream.” In its jarring inappropriateness, this rivaled the false reports that Abraham Lincoln had asked his friend Ward Lamon to sing a ribald song while touring the battlefield at Antietam just after the battle, as they walked among the dead bodies of the fallen soldiers. But this one really happened, and Biden wasn’t finished. “By the way,” he plowed on, “I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs. You think I’m kidding, I’m not.” Oh, I’m sure you weren’t, Joe; it’s widely known that dementia patients actually can receive a short-term cognitive boost from eating ice cream.

Old Joe babbled on about the children in the crowd, and with them, for a while longer; then he abruptly changed his tone and announced: “Before I begin to speak, and the reason I spent a little time on the kids, I — I just want to speak very briefly about the school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee.” Now, wait a minute. Biden joked around about kids and ice cream because he had the Nashville shooting in mind? The cringe, as the kids say today, is off the charts.

The putative president praised the police and then got to his point: “We have to do more to stop gun violence. It’s ripping our communities apart, ripping the soul of this nation — ripping at the very soul of the nation. And we — we have to do more to protect our schools so they aren’t turned into prisons. You know, the shooter in this situation reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol — two AK-47. So I call on Congress, again, to pass my assault weapons ban. It’s about time that we begin to make some more progress.” See? Let the administration prevent law-abiding Americans from defending themselves, or more kids will be unable to enjoy ice cream like Old Joe.

Biden said absolutely nothing, of course, about the transgender madness, or about how dangerous it could be to encourage people who are mentally ill to embrace their mental illness. He didn’t say anything about how his own policies of encouraging trans delusions could have led to this shooting. Of course he didn’t. The man’s handlers know how to keep him on message.

No word on whether the addled old kiddie-diddler managed to work in any hair-sniffing after he’d rattled off the anti-2A talking points given to him by his wardens, but you know he was thinking about it, and really, really wanted to, at any rate.

Transgenocidal update! Yeah, no.

FBI Stats On 2021 Anti-Trans Hate Crimes Don’t Support Claims Of ‘Genocide’

Gee whiz, I’m shocked. Flummoxed. Gobsmacked. Floored. Why, it’s almost as if these deranged freakazoids are over-dramatizing themselves, hysterically and dishonestly, for their own nefarious purposes. But no, that couldn’t POSSIBLY be right, could it?

Americans who claim to be transgender were the victims of 271 hate crimes in 2021, with few of the crimes being serious, undercutting claims that the community is facing “genocide,” according to FBI data released this week.

Of the 177 cases where the offender’s race was known, 81 offenders were black, about 60 were white, 20 were Hispanic, and one was Asian. Still, even that data could be misleading as FBI statistics inflate the number of “white” hate crime perpetrators by counting most Hispanics and Arabs as “white.” To a limited extent, the data can be adjusted to treat Hispanic as a race separate from black and white, which The Daily Wire did in the above numbers, but in many cases the “ethnicity” was not even recorded, forcing them to be treated as white.

Although Arab is counted as a separate category when it comes to the victim, there is no such category for perpetrators, leaving them to generally be counted as white. People of Arab descent have been behind some anti-Jewish crimes and their inclusion in statistics could change the anti-transgender breakdown as well.

The data does not support the notion widely pushed by activists and Democrats that there is a “genocide” of transgenders underway.

Well, in fairness, when has it ever? On any topic, of any kind, at all? For the matter of it, when have “activists” and/or D卐M☭CRATs ever given the merest indication of interest in what “the data” might indicate, anyway?

The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) said it is planning a “Trans Day of Vengeance” on March 31 in D.C. to “stop trans genocide,” and also fundraised for firearms training, which it said was for self-defense.

Of the 271 crimes against transgenders, the FBI data reported two slayings and two rapes. Of the remainder, 70 were incidents of “intimidation.” There were 48 aggravated assaults, 87 simple assaults, eight robberies, 14 thefts, and 37 instances of vandalism or damage.

The data comes from law enforcement divisions that report hate crime information to the FBI and includes jurisdictions covering 300 million of the 330 million Americans.It was released March 13 as a “supplement” to a less comprehensive dataset previously released. The supplemental data provides less detail, but original data shows one anti-trans killing committed by a black offender, one incident of robbery and sodomy by a black offender, and two instances or rape or sodomy by offenders whose race was unreported.

Me, I’m still trying to suss out the vitally-crucially-vital Importance! of distinguishing between “crime” and “hate crime.” What, is a “hate crime” somehow made more crime-ier than ordinary, plain-vanilla crime? Is, say, rape more unpleasant for the victim for having “hate” affixed to the charge? A mugging more intense, more brutal? Sodomy, meh, let’s not go into that for now. There has to be an important distinction lurking about in there somewhere, I just can’t seem to find the damned thing.

Precogging the Empire Of Lies

Mark Judge descried which way the ill wind was blowing many moons ago.

How My 1997 Conversation with Tucker Carlson Predicted the Future
In March 1997, I had a conversation with Tucker Carlson that would predict the future. Specifically it predicted liberalism’s current empire of lies.

Carlson has recently expressed amazement at how bad the public lies have gotten. Last week on The Glenn Beck Show, Carlson revealed footage from the Capitol January 6 that undercut our Principalities and Powers’ official narrative. Especially its claims about Jacob Chansley (the wacky guy in the Viking helmet) who was visibly nonviolent, but nonetheless got four years in prison.

Carlson sounded amazed and a bit dejected. His father had worked in government. Carlson grew up in Washington. He was used to political battles, but not such outright lying. “I know deception when I see it,” he says, “it’s demonstrable and its proven. They’re all lying.” It turns out, Tucker concluded. “Liz Cheney is affirmatively a liar.”

I thought back to a conversation I had with Carlson in 1997 that foresaw this moment. That year I attended CPAC, the annual conservative conference held at the Sheraton in Washington, D.C. I was writing a story for the New York Press.

Ahh, the New York Press—a fine old NYC weekly I used to peruse each and every week, founded by Russ Smith as a conservative competitor for the Village Voice, which had by then lapsed into complete batshit lunacy. Good times, good times. I don’t really remember him, but it figures Judge woulda worked there. Onwards.

After the conference I called Tucker Carlson, who was then a writer for the Weekly Standard. I was friendly with Carlson, wanted to get his take on conservatism, and where it was moving in the Clinton years.

Our conversation had barely started when he steered it to CPAC. ”Hey, were you at CPAC?” he asked me. I said I had been. “Did you see any drugs or heavy drinking and sexual assaults?”

I had no idea what he was talking about. I hadn’t seen anything but conservatives giving speeches and hawking their books. Tucker pointed me to an article in The New Republic. In it, a journalist described how a group of four young male conservatives conspired to sexually assault a woman. It deserves quoting at length, as twenty years later, similar lies would be resurrected to try and destroy me. It also foreshadows the contagion of lies that has infected our elites, from government to media.

“Infected”—now THAT’S putting it mildly, in my estimation. Read on for deets of the infuriating and manifestly, laughably false TNR smear job, indeed a grim harbinger of the shape of things to come, which triggered Tucker’s and Judge’s foray into the mystic realm of pure precognition. Unsurprisingly, it was penned by one Stephen Glass, who would go on to humiliating, career-destroying ignominy as a chronic fabulist—which, again, is putting it mildly, and is far more kind than the miserable cur deserves.

Fittingly, Glass is no longer employed as a Jurassic-Media “journalist—he’s a goddamned half-a-lawyer now. Which is not to say that his extended career as a shameless liar didn’t have any impact at all, mind.

Stephen Glass’s tactics are now mainstream. They were, and are, the official playbook of our elites, from the Democrats to NeverTrump zealots. People in power will tell such lies until they get caught, and even after that. One media orc who in 2018 said that he saw me buying and selling cocaine in the 1980s — a lie — just got his head handed to him by Russell Brand, and then by good guy and conservative Tom Elliot. Faced with a cavalcade of his own lies by Elliot, this dunderhead will shake it off and be back to warn us all about the evil Ron DeSantis.

This is why it is so absolutely crucial that regular people simply not engage with this new American Stasi. Imagine the worst, most unscrupulous and malicious liar you’ve ever known in your life. That person is the reporter who just showed up at your door. The assumption that leftist politicians and the media are reflections of Satan himself, the father of lies, is not an exaggeration.

Nope, nor is it hyperbole, nor any kind of coincidence. What it is, is entirely factual, the plain and simple truth.


The Lazy Left’s go-to lazy answer


These sort of stories make the rounds on a regular basis….

Study: Sudden deaths of Black babies rise

Sudden, unexpected infant deaths for Black babies are on the rise.

According to a study published in Monday’s Pediatrics journal, the rate of these deaths for Black infants in 2020 was nearly three times higher than the rate for white babies and rose above Native American infant deaths.

The lowest rates of sudden infant death were found among non-Hispanic Asian and Hispanic infants, the study said.

When dey black babies be all the time dying, it must be RAYCIZM!

I’ll skip ahead to the money quote…..

Those involved with the research said the racial disparity of the infant deaths “reflect our societal failures.”

The report comes from the Pediatrics journal, published by the American Academy of Pediatricians, and like most trade groups within the medical field, the AAP appears to be full on “woke”. What I found interesting was the sentence that immediately preceded the claim that our society has somehow “failed” because black babies be dying all the damn time….

Among the causes of death cited: accidental suffocation or strangulation while in a crib.


Did society fail these stronk blaque mamas of colour by not providing sufficient warnings about the danger of suffocating or strangling your baby? Or are blaque wahmens not smart enough to recognize the very obvious dangers of entangling object in cribs, something that White, Asian and mestizo moms have figured out?

Then I went to the actual article, something very few people likely bothered to do, content instead to accept at face value that White people have once more failed blacks. What I found was not surprising….

And it isn’t, not even a tiny bit. Although Arthur’s post does include ‘em, no link from me to the original AAP article or study. Because fuck those lousy cocksuckers, that’s why.


It was ALL a damnable lie

Yet another one, like FauxVid, that some of us have known all along was precisely that, and nothing more.

Secret Surveillance Video Dismantles January 6 Narrative
Clips aired during Tucker Carlson’s show on Monday night demonstrate how the January 6 select committee doctored surveillance video.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired the first set of previously-unseen surveillance video captured by Capitol police security cameras on January 6, 2021 that undermines several aspects of the reigning narrative about what happened that day.

Only “several”? I strongly suggest you take another look, Jules; it undermines the entire fucking thing, actually. Over, under, sideways, and down. Stem to stern, end to end, top to bottom, start to finish. No more, no less.

Capitol Police turned over to the FBI roughly 14,000 hours of video covering the hours of noon and 8:00 p.m. on January 6 but the full 24-hour reel has been in the hands of House Democrats for two years—reportedly the footage that Carlson’s team was authorized to view.

Carlson exposed falsehoods that bolster key animating aspects of January 6 including the movements of Jacob Chansley; the activity of still-uncharged agitator Ray Epps; the death of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick; alleged “reconnaissance tours” conducted by House Republicans the day before; the “escape” of Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.); and the overall deceptiveness of the January 6 Select Committee. “Taken as a whole, the video record does not support the claim that January 6 was an insurrection,” Carlson explained. “In fact, it demolishes that claim. And that’s exactly why the Democratic Party and its allies in the media prevented you from seeing it.”

Don’t you dare miss a single word of this one, people. Anyone who does so will be derelict in his duty as a citizen, and will thereby forfeit all right to think of himself as either “informed” or “concerned,” that’s the long and the short of it.

I won’t say it’s shocking, because it isn’t, not by a long yard. What it is, is further confirmation—as if any were needed—that the so-called “American” federal government is now openly at war with not just its own people, but with every last principle this nation was originally founded upon. That really is all there is to it, no two ways about it.

Tucker Carlson—who some on Our Side contend is variously A) a phony; B) Controlled Opposition; C) even a witting sock-puppet being used by The Enemy for steam-valve purposes, which I think is just ridiculous—has done enough in his dogged pursuit of the truth here as to have earned a Medal of Honor for meritorious, above-and-beyond-the-call service to his country. Endless kudos to him for his determination and derring-do.

I know, I know, the Medal is a servicemember-only decoration, almost always awarded posthumously (actually, that isn’t so, I only just found out). But still.

Likewise for the esteemed and estimable Julie Kelly for her tireless work on this gargantuan, monstrous case. She’s stayed on J6 like the most stubborn bulldog, and the rabbit has now been well and truly caught. Bravo, woman. You and Tucker are both admirable examples of what real, true journalism is supposed to be all about, but almost never is nowadays.

Emetic update! As Ace notes, the US has used the military to overthrow foreign governments more than once for far, far less egregious offenses against their own subjects than what it has done, and continues to do, to the J6 “insurrectionists.” So vile, so indecent, so morally abhorrent has the Amerika v2.0 regime become it could literally induce projectile vomiting in any true patriot.

Show me something update! My GOD, the balls on these faux-obstreperous pusbuckets.

GOP Rep. Ralph Norman on Jan. 6 Fedsurrection: ‘Why Is Ray Epps Not Behind Bars?’

Because big-talking Vichy GOPe frauds like you refuse to PUT him there, that’s why. Do something other than run your fat yap about it or just shut the fuck up already, whydon’tcha. Miss Lindsay Graham, Mitch The Bitch, Paul Ryan, Jim Jordan, all the rest—a great many of us are sick unto death of the braggadocious, talk-a-great-fight routine, and have no desire whatsoever to hear any more of that twipe.

Hold me back, hold me back or I’ll kick his fookin’ ass!!

Yeah, right. Put up or shut up, fuckface.

Uplifting update! Trump weighs in, and It. Is. Good.

Trump Demands January 6th Prisoners Let Go, House Select Committee Prosecuted After Tucker Carlson Releases Bombshell Videos

Trump called the dramatic new evidence one of the ‘biggest scoops’ in American journalism.

“The New Surveillance Footage of the January 6th Events sheds an entirely different light on what actually happened,” he wrote on his Truth Social media platform. “LET THEM GO FREE, NOW!”

“A whole new, and completely opposite, picture has now been indelibly painted,” he contends. “The Unselect Committee LIED, and should be prosecuted for their actions.”

In another posting on Truth Social, the former President reiterated his call for those charged for their relatively mundane actions that day to be released.

“Let the January 6 prisoners go,” he wrote in an all-caps screed. “They were convicted, or are awaiting trial, based on a giant lie, a radical left con job.

Indubitably so, Mr President.

Here’s an idea: in light of the truth finally getting out despite the dead-level-best efforts of the D卐M☭CRATs to keep it swept safely and securely under the rug, howzabout sane people all immediately just stop referring to the events of J6 as a “riot,” an “insurrection,” “violent,” and/or “destructive.” I suggest that instead, we describe all further insistence on that kind of hysterical, dishonest hype as “baseless” and “unfounded,” there being absolutely “no evidence” that they were any such thing. Y’know, take a page from their own “baseless election theft accusations” playbook, as it were.

THAT oughta tach up all the right people well past the pulse-pounding, vessel-popping redline, no?

Hell, I can even see newsrooms across the country go totally chaotic in the wake of this, as thousands of “journalists” lapse into shrieking paroxysms of grief and rage at seeing their own tactic used against them—flopping about on the floor like landed fish en masse, gnashing their teeth to the gumline, tearing their hair out in great hanks, ripping each other to bloody meat-gobbets with their bare hands in an ungovernable frenzy.

Try as I might, I’m just not seeing any downside here.


No justice, no peace

Waitwaitwait, boogs are equestrians now too? My late wife was a professional Hunter-Jumper rider and a trainer as well, and I can’t recollect seeing any of our darker-complected brethren (or, y’know, sistren) at the many events she dragged me off to over the course of our tragically-foreshortened union. I mean, really now: who knew?

New York Times Discovers a New Source of Racism, and This One Could Be the Most Ridiculous Yet

The New York Times, that intrepid warrior for anything and everything that the Left is hysterical about, on Friday published a lengthy piece about a source of systemic racism that no one has ever noticed before: It seems that equestrian helmets are racist because they don’t accommodate the dreadlocks that some black horse riders wear. One black rider’s mother lamented: “Mostly everything in this sport isn’t designed for us.” Well, that’s got to change, and these Jackie Robinsons of the Coiffure, with the Times’ generous help, are leading the way to the Equestrian Helmet Justice that our society so desperately needs.

Chanel Robbins, the Times tells us solemnly, “has been riding horses most of her life, ever since her grandmother traded a cow from their family’s farm in Ontario for a pony when she was 7.” Horse riding “offered an escape from thoughts that weighed on her,” which included the fact that “she was the only Black girl in the neighborhood.” But when she grew dreadlocks, her helmet didn’t fit anymore, and that, as you must know by now, is racist.

Fighting back tears (really, the Times actually said she was), Robbins said: “I finally freaking feel like myself, and now society is asking me to change. I just want to be able to ride.” How dare Whitey do this! Is there nothing to which he will not stoop? Poor Chanel Robbins can only find relief on the back of a horse from the systemic racism that confronts her every hour in Amerikkka, but now Whitey has taken even that away!

The Times generously ascribes this not to malice, but to callous indifference: “Black equestrians have long felt virtually invisible in a sport that remains overwhelmingly white. For those with natural hair, which for many is a declaration of pride and Black identity, finding a helmet that fits properly can be nearly impossible, creating yet another barrier to full inclusion.” Big Helmet (ah, but not big enough) is just as indifferent to their plight as Whitey in general: “Some are now lobbying for change, mindful that horseback riding is among the leading causes of sports-related traumatic brain injury. The helmet companies say there isn’t a simple fix.”

The second most-dangerous sport in the world, actually, or used to be anyway. Snow-skiing being the first, back when my wife told me about it. Spencer’s next bit is truly sidesplitting, so swallow that mouthful of whatever you’re drinking or eating before reading on.

Well, yeah. What are the helmet companies going to do, make the helmets three feet wide? This most first-world of all first-world problems brings Oscar Gamble to mind. Baseball fans of a certain age will remember Mr. Gamble, who played major league baseball in the 1970s while sporting an Afro of truly awe-inspiring proportions. In my neighborhood, baseball cards featuring Oscar Gamble with his baseball cap stuck on the massive thing, making his head and hair look like three planets of roughly similar size orbiting in close proximity to one another, were a coveted commodity. Many marveled at his hair, some dared to laugh, but Gamble himself took it all in stride. Never once did he demand that the people who manufactured baseball caps fashion one large enough to go around his huge hair. The white kids who played baseball in the 1970s often had long hair also, and got used to having it mashed uncomfortably under the cap. In life, sometimes one must put up with a bit of discomfort, or sacrifice one desired item in order to obtain another. But that was before everything, and I do mean everything, became racist.

A pic of Gamble—who racked up good enough stats over his long and storied career as a power-hitting Major League DH to be able to wear his hair any damned way he liked—and his ludicrous, totally off-the-chain ‘Fro.


Couldn’t say why, exactly, but for some strange reason that photo puts me in mind of the classic Mad magazine parody of Starsky & Hutch—renamed Harsky & Stutch, natch—wherein the Huggy Bear character was rejiggered (ahem) into “Buggy Hair.” Gamble is also remembered among baseball mavens for his brilliant Jive-speak quote referencing the general organizational chaos that plagued the Yankees at the time he was playing for them: “They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.”

Heh. Anyways, onwards.

And so now the Times tells us that Caitlin Gooch, “who wears her hair in locs that fall to her mid-back,” takes her riding helmet along when she gets her hair done, “to ensure it will still fit.” That’s perfectly reasonable and sensible. If someone wants some extravagant hairstyle, it might cause difficulties in other areas. Sometimes one must choose between the two. But Gooch “started teaching riding lessons” and “found herself having to tell children they couldn’t ride if there was no helmet that properly fit them.” This was, once again, perfectly reasonable, but apparently it’s a new and heinously racist offense in the Times’ dizzy and ugly world.

Yeah, well, what ain’t nowadays, according to these determinedly miserable shitlib gimps.


Mad messaging skillz

As ever, the Left runs rings around the Truth while the poor, dear old thing is still trying to get its boots on. And that, friends, is but one of several diabolical stratagems that explain how it is they keep winning.

Did You Ever Wonder How and Why the Left Is Able to Push Their Narratives Almost Unhindered?
Aren’t you sick to death of the Current Message? I know I am.

If you aren’t concerned about climate change, or whatever name The End of the World is going by this week, it doesn’t matter because you will be made to see or hear it. Or maybe the current message is Pride or Acceptance or Eat Bugs and Like It.

Actually, Eat Bugs and Like It is so January. The Current Message is Your Gas Stove Is Killing You, Your Dog, and Mother Earth, Too.

Did you notice that something that had never been an issue before, gas stoves, suddenly popped up everywhere all at once? That’s how it works. One message is repeated, amplified, repeated again, and reamplified, across every available medium.

Whatever the Current Message is, your favorite TV show will include it in a plotline. The network that airs it bombards you with similar messaging in its promotional spots. The search engine you use — and it doesn’t matter which one — promotes pages selling the same pablum and squelches dissenting views. Social media algorithms void your shares and silence your comments. TikTok, social malware unleashed by the CCP, fuels division and discontent by serving up the most dopamine-friendly content.

Normal people — that excludes you and me, gentle reader — who get their news the way normal people do, are suddenly questioning their gas cooktops. Because the ever present Current Message pounded it into their heads.

Throw in near-total control of the Shadow State bureaucratic apparatus, and…well, hey, there’s a reason I started calling it the shitlib/Progressivist Megalith a good while back, y’know.

Grey matters

Nee-grows are low-IQ, prone to violence, primitive, and have poor impulse control. Yes, it’s all YOUR fault, Kemosabe.

Black children living in poverty face increased instances of stress and trauma that can alter their brain development, a new study found.

Researchers found that increased stressors like economic hardship and systemic racism play a significant role for Black children and can lead to the development of mental health issues as they age, the study said.

The stressors contribute to Black children having less gray matter in their brains, a byproduct of absorbing “toxic stress.” The study defines the stressors as “prolonged exposure to adverse experiences” that lead to excessive stress hormones and “disrupt the immune and metabolic regulatory systems.”

In the study, researchers found that Black children often developed behavioral problems later in life such as PTSD, anxiety and depression. These children also were susceptible to drug and alcohol abuse and suicide attempts and were likely to commit violence, the study said.

Black children showed lower amygdala, hippocampus, and PFC gray matter volumes compared with White children.

Bold mine, to highlight the way CNN just might be reversing cause and effect here, because reasons.

The hippocampus plays a number of crucial roles, including regulating emotions, motivation, hormonal activity, autonomic activity, and memory formation.

Probably the most well recognized function of the hippocampus is its role in learning and memory. Although the exact mechanisms remain somewhat mysterious, it is believed that the hippocampus receives and consolidates information, allowing for establishment of long-term memories in a process known as long-term potentiation (LTP). It also plays a role in spatial memory, allowing us to keep track of where things are, as well as where they are in relation to each other; as such, it is instrumental in the formation of cognitive maps.

There have been numerous reports linking tumors, lesions, and epileptogenic activity in humans within the hippocampus to aggressive reactions, ranging from minor hostility to explosive acts of violence. The hippocampus’ role in mediating aggression and rage appears to be dependant on the region of the structure that is stimulated: activation of the temporal pole, i.e. the region closest to the amygdala, stimulates predatory or fight behavior; while activation of the region closest to the septal pole instead suppresses those impulses.

If any of that behavior sounds at all familiar to you, then you are definitely a RAYCISS™ for sure. Divemedic finds CNN’s conclusions a tad sketchy.

I was with them on the other evidence. Yes, there is evidence that black children are likely to be poor, have incarcerated parents, and lower intelligence. I agree. What they are essentially saying is that blacks are poor, less intelligent, and more likely to be criminals than are whites, and that there is a biological and physiological basis for this. That’s exactly what I have been saying for years. What I have a problem with is the conclusion that is unsupported by any evidence presented by this so-called study- that it’s white people’s fault.

This seems like junk science with no control group and little in the way of actual, well, science. When I was a teacher, had one of my students turned in an unsupported conclusion like that one, it likely would have received a poor grade.

Hey, if it wasn’t for junk science, shitlibs would have no science at all to back up their politically-motivated arguments.


Old Media launches pre-emptive strike

In typical dishonest fashion, against their latest hate-object.

DeSantis Derangement Syndrome: The media get even more unhinged

For those of us with already-low expectations for the leftist media, they’ve been working to lower that bar even further in their coverage of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

You’d think these press organizations would have learned from their Trump Derangement Syndrome, when they burned trust in so many institutions, including and specifically their own, trying to fight President Donald Trump. Instead, they’ve simply substituted DeSantis in their activist, bile-filled, often-totally-wrong rants.

CNN reporter John Blake sent this note to DeSantis’ press secretary, Bryan Griffin, asking for comment after the gov blocked a woke high-school class: “I’ve talked to one of the nation’s leading scholars on fascism who, along with another scholar who is an authority on fascism, say that DeSantis’ decision echoes similar decisions made by fascist dictators to force what one historian calls ‘collective amnesia’ about the past.”

I’m writing a piece calling the governor a fascist, care to comment? And how long have you been beating your wife?

Griffin posted Blake’s request to Twitter, pulling back the curtain on how hit pieces calling America’s most popular governor a “fascist” get made.

The Daily Beast ran an entirely fictitious account, likely written in crayon, of the DeSantis team paying influencers and “bot farms” on Twitter.

DeSantis for his part talks directly to Floridians and calmly explains his policies, which Floridians continue to support despite the media hoopla. He comes to his press conferences armed with facts and never lets the media get the better of him. He and his team have been teaching a master class in how to handle the dishonest press.

But they shouldn’t have to. Even those who don’t share his politics should speak up and say the coverage is absurd and lack of trust in news organizations has hurt us all. But they won’t because there are elections to win.

Well, that, plus they just enjoy the near-sexual frisson deceitfully slandering their adversaries and bringing them down provides them so much they really can’t help themselves. It’s too great a temptation for the snarling, yappy little ankle-biters to resist.

As for Ron The Great, he’s been an excellent governor, accomplishing several real and worthwhile things aimed at undoing many of the Great Leaps Forward made by Florida Leftards. Which is exactly why they hate him so desperately: love him or hate him, see him as a genuine reformer or just another grubby politician on the make, there’s no denying that DeSantis has been damned effective as governor of Florida.

And that’s what counts most at this point. The Sovereign States are where all the action is; for the most part, all the national political maneuvering and Titanic-deck-chair reshuffling hardly even registers with me anymore, it’s close to irrelevant. We know for sure and certain that the President is nothing more than a figurehead—a malleable, pliant ventriloquist’s dummy trotted out to make speeches at fundraisers. Trump’s Oval Orifice ordeal raised the curtain on that harsh reality, and the Biden meat-puppet’s disastrous tenure has confirmed it beyond all doubt.

I mean, seriously now: even diehard Dim-O-Creeps are coming around, in steadily increasing numbers, to the manifestly-obvious fact that the Biden meat-puppet isn’t in charge of his own daily bowel movement, much less of Amerika v2.0’s bloated central government, whether they’re willing to openly admit to it yet or not. Not that they’ll balk at campaigning, fundraising, and voting for the addle-pated old crook in 2024, mind. After all, they ARE still D卐M☭CRATs, you know.

Despite all the will he-won’t he 2024 Presidential speculation, despite oleaginous operators from both sides of the political fence presuming to put words in DeSantis’ mouth for their own purposes, I have yet to see the man himself utter Syllable One about the chances of him deciding to take a run at the tarnished brass ring. That makes me very happy indeed; as I’ve said over and over, Real Americans need Ron DeSantis right where he currently is. He’ll do way more good for us as Florida’s governor than he’ll ever be permitted to as POTUS, if only as a morale- and resolve-booster showing that the Left juggernaut isn’t invincible—that with a little effort and determination, they can in fact be defeated.

Should he decide to run anyhow, it will reveal much about who and what Ron DeSantis really is down deep—his character, his intelligence, his ego, his ambitions, his grasp of current reality, even—none of it the slightest bit encouraging. That will be a truly sad day, both for us and for the nation its own self.


It isn’t a lie if you believe hard enough

Yet another wonderful quote from one of the best movies ever, 1984’s The Pope Of Greenwich Village: You don’t even bother to lie to me carefully anymore, Charlie. It’s an insult to be lied to so obviously.

FAKE NEWS: Newsweek Claims Ted Cruz Lied About Antifa Burning Down Cities

On the same day Newsweek ran a fake fact check of a study by MRC Free Speech America about Google’s censorship of Republican campaigns, the outlet also ran a “fact check” Wednesday smearing Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), claiming he falsely claimed Antifa “carried out a year of fiery, destructive protests across the U.S.”

Cruz’s comments came Monday on ABC’s The View, when he countered co-host Whoopi Goldberg’s attack on the right as violent: “Did I miss an entire year of Antifa riots where cities across this country were burning and police cars were being firebombed?”

Writer Tim Norton correctly noted Cruz was likely “referring to the protests that followed the death of George Floyd in 2020,” and the subsequent destruction of property in cities such as Minneapolis and then “Washington D.C., St Louis, Kansas City, Oregon, Atlanta, Seattle and New York City.”

The whiplash continued as he insisted Cruz was “significantly stretching the truth, even if taken figuratively” even though “many businesses were damaged or destroyed as a result of arson” because “Antifa is not a formalized group or association” and Black Lives Matter inspired global calls to action for racial justice. Really.

In other words, Antifa isn’t real and BLM protests made people feel special, so Cruz was…lying?

Let’s unpack this schizophrenic gobbledygook. First, it was interesting Norton said Antifa wasn’t real seeing as how Newsweek tweeted this on November 2, 2020: “Antifa plans wave of demonstrations on streets as U.S. election polls close.”

And on April 24, 2021, Newsweek itself posted an article with the title: “Antifa Activists Vow to Keep Fighting—Even as ‘Terrorists’”.

And it wasn’t just them. ABC News wrote in May 2021 about the constant barrage of left-wing violence in Portland, saying that “residents have waning patience for antifa” with “[m]uch of the blame for the chaos, property damage and violence over the last year have landed on the self-described anti-racist, anti-facist far left organizers.”

If Wikipedia floats your boat, they compiled a list of over 60 incidents having resulted from Floyd’s June 2020 murder.

If Norton wants to debate the facts, it’s best he do some research first.

Debating the facts fairly and honestly is the very LAST thing shitlib propagandists like Norton want to do, of course. They want to browbeat, bulldoze, and silence defiant truth-tellers with temerity enough to tell it like it is, as Cruz was here. If it wasn’t for lies, shitlibs wouldn’t have anything whatsoever to say. “Schizophrenic gobbledygook”? Well, yeah. But it’s also part of a plan, a strategy, and Ted Cruz knows that as well as any other sentient soul with even a wee dram of integrity and observational acumen in ’em does.


Democracy dies in darkness dishonesty

Fixed it for ya, WaPo. No need to thank me, I’m happy to help.

As anyone with a passing familiarity with American history and demographics knows, blacks are found most commonly in Southern states as that is where most African slaves lived. While many of their descendants moved North, most did not. Even still, the blackest state in the Union, Mississippi, is “only” 37.9% black. So even though Mississippi has a ton of blacks, they have also had a Republican governor for 26 of the last 30 years. MS voted for Trump by a margin of 16% in 2020 and for Orange Man with an even larger margin in 2016. Mississippi last voted for a Democrat for President when Carter barely beat Ford in the state in 1976 but the election prior Nixon beat McGovern in the state by a whopping 78% to 19%.

You see, two things can be true at the same time. Republicans can hold political power in a state AND that state can have a large black population. Even the state with the highest black percentage of the population is barely over 1/3 black. You would think Milbank would use his tribe’s vaunted high verbal IQ to figure this out, but of course he already knows this is the case and is simply lying for political reasons.

You can have high violent crime in a state run by Republicans without making the leap to say that those Republican voters are the ones committing the majority of violent crime.

7 of the states listed on the top murder rates on the right are among the dozen states in America with the highest percentage of blacks. Curious! What about the states not on the list of blackest states? Well New Mexico has it’s own demographic issues. As of the 2020 census New Mexico reported a population nearly 50% mestizo and climbing fast, and adding in illegal aliens the population became majority mestizo many years ago with the largest percentage being of Mexican ancestry. As for Missouri and Kentucky, their homicides are overwhelmingly concentrated in two cities, St Louis (43% black) and Louisville (35% black) respectively.

Also, and again previously proven, blacks are responsible not just for a disproportionate percentage of murders in America but are actually responsible for an absolute and growing majority of homicides, breaking the 60% rate last year among known murderers (see: A New Record!) while the real rate is closer to 75-80% (see: It Isn’t Really 13/50).

Is Dana Milbank lying?

Dunno. Are his lips moving?

Milbank, for the legions of you who have far more important things to do than to bother overmuch about his stupid ass, is a smarmy shitlib chowderhead (BIRM) who has enjoyed a long, cozy sinecure at the execrable WaPo perpetrating serial outrages against actual journalism. Sido crunches the numbers to perform a most righteous, surgically-precise old-school fisking of the witless assclown, and it’s a joy to behold.

Tried posting this in Arthur’s comment section, but Blawgsplat ain’t having any of that, so I’ll just put it here: via the esteemed Divemedic, the elephant in the room vis a vis any discussion of crime, criminals, criminality, and urban dysfunction.

The nigger in the woodpile...
Yo, wuzzup?

What can one say but, Heh.


Down in flames, quietly

A story I find curious, for more reasons than one. Bold mine, so as to highlight the curious part.

The Sunken Felicity Ace Cargo Carrier Is a Pollution Hazard for Undersea Life
The ship that went down with thousands of Porsches and Volkswagens is bad news for local marine organisms.

Thousands of cars, lithium-ion batteries, oil, gas, and an entire cargo ship now litter the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. On March 1, the car carrier Felicity Ace sank beneath the waves near the Portuguese Azores archipelago. Now, ecologists are worried that pollution from the wreck will impact the rich undersea environment the carrier has invaded.

The ship, carrying thousands of vehicles to the United States from Europe, caught fire about two weeks before it listed to one side and sank about 200 nautical miles (230 miles) from the Azores. Its position on the Extended Continental Shelf puts it out of Portuguese jurisdiction, according to the international Law of the Sea Convention. In other words, this region of seafloor is far enough away from land that no country can automatically take over its management.

Felicity Ace sits 3,000 meters (1.9 miles) below the ocean’s surface. Upon impact, the wreck definitely affected the sea floor and all of the organisms that make their home there, deep sea ecologist Ana Colaço tells Popular Mechanics.

Her work at the Institute of Marine Research at the University of the Azores focuses on deep-sea habitats around the islands. “The most important thing to know is that the deep sea is not a desert,” she says. “If the ship is on soft sediment, there are sea cucumbers, crustaceans, and worms that live on this seafloor. There may be sponges and corals. Of course, there are fish of several kinds—the diversity of the deep sea is very high.”

When the ship went down, it was carrying 2,200 tons of fuel, 2,200 tons of oil, and up to 4,000 vehicles, some of which carried electric car batteries, the Associated Press reported the day after the sinking. Hardly any wreckage remained above the surface, but tug boats were using hoses to break up a small oil slick at the site. Portugal has been keeping a Navy vessel and an Air Force plane on site to monitor for further signs of surface pollution.

Just for the hell of it, here’s a pic of the ill-fated tub all a-smoke and aflame.

Suspicious, or not so much?
Hinky dinky polly-vous

Admittedly, we’ll probably never know how the aboard-ship fire started. But come now; with those notoriously deadly EVs and their prone-to-spontaneous-combustion batteries in the hold, we know, now don’t we? It would seem that Praetorian Media knows, at least, in light of the near-total news blackout of this event. A small spate of most cursory and obligatory coverage in the immediate aftermath of the unscheduled self-scuttling, followed by a complete media blackout?

Oh, puh-LEEZE. If this had been one of those dreaded oil tankers, the disaster would still be front-page news, we’d never hear the end of it. Hell, even today your Mark 1-Mod 0 shitlib “journalist” will now and then work in a derisive mention of the accursed Exxon Valdez when he can manage it, ferchrissakes. But, since the loss of the Felicity Ace was very likely blamable on the sacred EV, the Progtard Protected Class rule is in full effect.

Curious? I’d say so, yeah. But hey, I can be rude like that, just ask anybody.


An odd omission

HAD to have been an oversight, I’m guessing.

‘Take your a** home!’ Heavily-armed black rights groups march through Austin chanting anti-illegal migrant slogans, demands Biden ‘close the border’ and calls for ‘reparations to be paid NOW’

Armed activists with a coalition of black self-defense groupsmarched in Austin, Texas over the weekend calling for an end to illegal immigration and demanding that President Biden close the borders.

Some of the activists chanted ‘close the borders’ and ‘take your a** home’ as they marched toward the Texas Capitol in the ‘Second Amendment Unity Walk’ on Saturday.

The march was led by The Elmer ‘Geronimo’ Pratt Pistol & Rifle Gun Club. Their demands also included reparations for descendants of enslaved people and a hate crime bill protecting Black Americans.

The group faced opposition from a handful of Trump supporters and other protesters gathered at the Texas State Capitol to support January 6 defendants.

Saturday’s march comes after Texas Gov. Abbott and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey sent thousands of migrants by bus to Washington, D.C., New York City, and Chicago, Illinois – all three sanctuary cities that have pledged not to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement.

Video and photos of the third annual ‘Second Amendment Unity Walk’ show marches armed with guns as they walked through the streets of Austin toward the Texas State Capitol.

Other than The Elmer ‘Geronimo’ Pratt Pistol & Rifle Gun Club, several other groups were involved including the Black Riders Liberation Party.

‘Reparations now!’ the group chanted, according to Ford Fischer who tweeted from the march.

‘We don’t say ‘hands up, don’t shoot!” one explained. ‘Guns up!’ they chanted. ‘Shoot back!’

‘Close the borders!’ they chanted. One yelled ‘build the wall’ but the phrase didn’t catch on.

‘Immigrants, we’ve been here!’ another person yelled. ‘Take your ass home!

Vehicles honked their horns at the activists as they marched through the intersections chanting: ‘What do we want? Closed borders! When do we want it? Now!’

Once at the capitol building, a speaker summarized the group’s demands as ‘Reparations now, delineation, a stop to illegal immigration.’

Aside from that increasingly tedious “reparations” horseshit, I must admit I’m not finding a whole hell of a lot to disagree with here. Brothas got some right-nice hardware, if the pics are any indication. As for that strange “omission” I mentioned, here t’is: I scanned the whole piece without ever once running across a single usage of words like “extremist,” “radical,” “violent,” “terrorist,” etc. Didn’t see any of the usual FBI agents provocateurs in amongst ’em, either. Funny, that.


Second look at the Bundy Ranch standoff?

The Bundy family’s take on our awful central government’s true nature was more accurate than they’ve ever been given credit for.

BUNKERVILLE, NEVADA—The Bundy Ranch roundup has understandably stirred thin-stretched emotions as the federal government seizes cattle belonging to the Bundy family. The family settled in the late 1800’s and has ranched in the area since. The federal government allowed Nevada ranchers to graze their cattle on federal tracts of land adjacent to their private properties for generations. The federal government later created the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to administer and “protect” the vast swaths of federal land—including the land the Bundy family’s livelihood was—and still is—dependent upon. The BLM began restricting ranchers’ usage of federal lands to protect various species, and the BLM decided to restrict the Bundy family’s usage of the federal land they historically grazed. The federal government told the Bundy family that a tortoise existed on the land and therefore the land’s usage for cattle would have to decrease—thus creating a scenario where the Bundy family could make fewer resources. A 20-year legal battle ensued.

There exist a number of elements to the story that inject shades of grey into the dominant media narrative. Perhaps hundreds of Bundy supporters have already shown up to the ranch area to “protect” the family and their land—which is federal land—but federal land such usage was promised to the family in the government’s efforts to get people to settle the West after Mexico ceded the land to the U.S. Court documents—discussed later in this article—reveal that the Bundy family decided at some point that the federal government was illegitimate and that they no longer had to give heed to the federal courts. The Bundy family patriarch has openly stated his willingness to use force against federal agents if they take his cattle off of the federal lands; the federal agents stand ready to use force against the family or their supporters if they interfere with the cattle removal. Both sides are armed, both sides are frustrated, and the rhetoric and hyperbole surrounding the entire matter has left many onlookers from around the world confused as to what is actually happening.

In the immediate aftermath of the infamous cattle roundup, Cliven Bundy granted a number of high profile media interviews continuing to deny—to the point of absolutely ignoring family history—what the federal courts have twice told him.

“I believe this is a sovereign state of Nevada,” Bundy recently told a radio reporter. “…I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But, I don’t recognize the United States Government as even existing.”

Oh, it exists right enough, I’m afraid. Cliven and several of his compatriots ended up finding that out the hard way. The thing I remember being struck by more forcefully than anything else at the time was the near-universal condemnation of the Bundys from the Right. Even folks whose ideological inclinations might be taken as suggestive of deep antipathy for FederalGovCo, its minions, and its nefarious works were suddenly tripping over themselves to join [wpdiscuz-feedback id=”hw7r99ujes” question=”Comments? Complaints? Thoughts?” opened=”0″]the mad rush to take the Almighty State’s side[/wpdiscuz-feedback] on this one.


Messenger: shot dead

You say you want the truth? You can’t handle the truth.

Zac Kriegman had worked at Thomson Reuters for more than six years, most recently as a director of data scientists. Concerned with data and statistics, Kriegman and his team advised numerous other divisions within company.

But in 2020, Kriegman noticed changes within the company, with coworkers publishing numerous articles about “White Privilege” on the company’s internal collaboration platform. When the Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots broke out that summer, the platform was filled with support for the organization without any question as to the narrative being told about race in America.

“This concerned me. I had been following the academic research on BLM for years (for example, here, here, here and here), and I had come to the conclusion that the claim upon which the whole movement rested—that police more readily shoot black people—was false,” Kriegman wrote in an article published on Bari Weiss’ substack. “ The data was unequivocal. It showed that, if anything, police were slightly less likely to use lethal force against black suspects than white ones.”

If I had, oh, the next six-seven days to spend on absolutely nothing else, not to mention the inclination to do any such thing, I’d dig through the Innarnuts and commend to everyone’s attention the eleventy million billion kajillion times myself and other Righty bloggers have howled precisely this into the void over the last several years, beginning well before the advent of BLM in my own case. If anybody was wondering why I usually refer to said criminal/terrorist syndicate as Black Lies Murder, well, there you have it.

Kriegman discovered that, based on a database of police shootings compiled by The Washington Post, police have fatally shot 39% more unarmed white people than black people in the past five years. BLM activists have insisted, however, that since there are six times as many white people in America as black people, police should be shooting 600% more. Anything less, Kriegman wrote, is evidence to the activists of police bias.

Kriegman suggested that such a comparison isn’t as accurate as comparing “Black suspects who pose a grave danger and white suspects who do the same,” but wrote that there isn’t reliable data for such a comparison. Instead, he used Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County Patrick Frey’s calculations based on FBI data that found “black Americans account for 37 percent of those who murder police officers, and 34 percent of the unarmed suspects killed by police. Meanwhile, whites make up 42.7 percent of cop killers and 42 percent of the unarmed suspects shot by police—meaning whites are killed by police at a 7 percent higher rate than blacks.”

Kriegman broadened the analysis to include armed suspects, finding that with those numbers included, whites are shot at a 70% higher rate than blacks. He then mentions the only study that looks at the rate at which police use lethal force across racial groups, conducted by Harvard economist Roland Fryer. Fryer, who is black, tried to prove BLM’s narrative in 2016, but ended up disproving it by finding that, while black Americans and Latinos may experience some amount of police force, they are slightly less likely to be shot by police than whites.

“Unfortunately, because the BLM narrative was now conventional wisdom, police departments, under intense scrutiny from left-wing politicians and activists, scaled back patrols in dangerous neighborhoods filled with vulnerable black residents. This led to soaring violence in many communities and thousands of needless deaths—otherwise known as the Ferguson Effect,” Kriegman wrote.

Bet you can’t guess what happens next. Don’t be shy, now; go on, give it a whirl. I double-dog dare ya.

Kriegman wrote that his post was removed when he stated his concerns and told that if he discussed the issue on internal company communications channels, he would be fired. Without a resolution, Kriegman emailed colleagues and company leadership discussing the attacks. The next day he was told by Human Resources that he no longer had access to his company computer or communications systems. Three days after that, he was fired.

Gee, are you guys as shocked as I am at this wholly unprecedented turn of events?

A decade ago, my experience at Thomson Reuters would have been unthinkable. Most Americans probably think it’s still unthinkable. That’s what makes it so dangerous. Most of us don’t understand how deeply compromised our news sources have become. Most of us have no idea that we are suffused with fictions and half-truths that sound sort of believable and are shielded from scrutiny by people whose job is to challenge them. This is true, above all, of my fellow liberals, who assume that only Republicans complain about the mainstream media. But this is not a partisan issue. This is a We The People issue,” he wrote.

Oh, it’s worse than you think, pal. Although it certainly SHOULD be a “We The People issue,” well, sorry, but…it ain’t. Your experience at Rooters, sad as it is, would by no means have so much as moved the needle slightly on the Shock-O-Meter ten, twenty, thirty, or even forty years ago, much less struck any of us RightwingNaziHitlerdemons as anything like “unthinkable.” The media has been what it is for quite a long time now; those of us who pay attention to such arcane matters have been aware of it for quite a long time also.

It’s to everyone’s detriment that it should be this way, but this very much IS a partisan issue—demonstrably so, in light of at least two (2) sobering realities: 1) Rooters, along with every other Establishment Media outlet in every medium and/or format, is heavily biased in favor of the Left, has by now completely lost whatever sense of shame they might once have felt (if any) over using their platform to support the Left’s nefarious agenda, and helpfully skews its “journalism” accordingly, and 2) “liberals” do not find this at all inappropriate and aren’t troubled in the least by it, leaving the “complain(ing) about the mainstream media” field as the exclusive province of the Right. Having chosen to abandon the perfectly honorable profession of honestly and impartially reporting the news in favor of a holy crusade to Change The World ain’t helping any.

I opened by saying Rooters “can’t handle the truth,” but that’s being much more charitable than they deserve; it’s not so much that they “can’t handle” the truth as it is that they just flat loathe it. As is true of the shitlibs they serve, truth is to Rooters as garlic is to vampires.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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